RPi-Wayfinding is a PHP application for dynamic digital wayfinding using a Raspberry Pi and an HDMI monitor. Currently supports pulling information from an exchange calendar (via EWS), google calendar (via json), and Planning Center Online Resources (Using DOM). It is my implementation of Static graphical digital signage.
Alternate usage: Big monitor with daily calendar event list for everyone to see.
RPi Wayfinding is stable.
One of our existing cases retrofitted to use RPi wayfinding.
- PHP 5.4+ - for webserver
- PHP GD - for webserver
- PHP FreeType - for webserver
- MySQL 5.5+/MariaDB - for webserver
- feh - for RPi
- Puppet master (optional)
- cURL with NTLM support (7.23.0+ recommended)
- Exchange 2010 or 2013 - for Exchange Calendars
- Public Google Calendar - for Google Calendar support
- Planning Center Online Resources - If you want to use them
- HDMI Room Screen
- SanDisk SD Cards
- RaspberryPi
- Group/Bldg Screens - Needs 3 washers per top screw for it to lay flat (items included in wall mount kit below)
- Monitor Wall Mounts
Check the wiki for more information.
$rooms[] = array(
'name' => '101', //Use - instead of spaces. This is case-sensitive and will display as-is on group and building signs.
'type' => 1, //1 = exchange room resource, 2 = planning center RSS, 3 = google calendar
'logon_name' => 'adm101', //for exchange room
'pass' => 'simple pass', //for exchange room
'url' => '', //planning center/google calendar
'group' => 'Administrative-First-Floor', //first floor, building-first-floor, etc.
'rpi' => array ('adm101','admin-101','rpi-admin-101-a','rpi-admin-101-b'), //place whatever you want the URI i to grab here.
'bldg' => 'Administrative', //do not leave emtpy
$rooms[] = array(
'name' => 'US-Holidays', //Use - instead of spaces. This is case-sensitive and will display as-is on group and building signs.
'type' => 3, //1 = exchange room resource, 2 = planning center RSS, 3 = google calendar
'logon_name' => '', //for exchange room
'pass' => '', //for exchange room
'url' => 'en.usa#[email protected]', //planning center/google calendar
'group' => 'holidays', //first floor, building-first-floor, etc.
'rpi' => array ('rpi-holiday-screen',), //place whatever you want the URI i to grab here.
'bldg' => 'Happy-Holidays', //do not leave emtpy
* This file is intended to set up general settings to access rooms and include additional rooms.
//Start time to black screens
$start_time = "23:01";//11:01 pm
//End of black screen time
$end_time = "5:59";
//Exchange server of room resources
$mailserver = "";
//sql server settings (filled in with install settings)
$sql_server = "localhost";
$sql_username = "wayfinding";
$sql_password = "some_pass";
//passcode for force sync
$passcode = "change_me_quick"; // http://localhost/force_sync.php?p=change_me_quick will delete all items from database and regenerate items beginning at current time.
$force = FALSE; // leave false
//theme config
//email settings
$finish_email = FALSE;
$email_to = "root@localhost";
$email_subject = "RPi-wayfinding has done its daily task.";
- Create theme creation wiki entry
- Organize the project (too many files in the root directory)
Always welcome :)
See LICENSE file