Team members: Anirudh Subramanian (UFID:94453124), Divya Ramachandran (UFID:46761308)
A program written as part of Distributed Operating Systems course to simulate gossip algorithm for group communication and aggregate computation. Inputs :: numNodes topology algorithm
numNodes: the number of nodes forming the network
topology: the topology used will be 1 out of the following -
- line: nodes are arranged as a line; neighbours are adjacent nodes
- full: each node can select a neighbour from the entire network i.e. all the nodes are considered neighbours
- 2D: nodes are arranged as a 2D mesh; neighbours are the adjacent nodes along two dimensions (top, bottom, left, right)
- imp2D: nodes are arranged as a 2D mesh; neighbours are the adjacent nodes along two dimensions (top, bottom, left, right) as well as one other random node
algorithm: the algorithm to be used would be 'gossip' or 'push-sum'
Example: 1000 2D gossip
Output :: Time taken for the nodes to converge
//Add stuff required to be filled in config
Now from the GossipPushSum-master folder do:
sbt publishLocal
sbt runMain project1 numNodes topology algorithm
Please refer to excel sheet in the project root folder for our test results
The largest network we tried for is 10000 nodes on a dual core machine for all the topologies and algorithms