- Custom Lambda Layer including required binary/python package.
REQUIRED - Setup Environment Stack: Creates necessary IAM Roles, Lambda Function, PGP_PrivateKey Secret, and S3 Bucket.
OPTIONAL - Custom Transfer Family Identity Provider Stack: Creates a Transfer Family server with a custom Lambda identity provider.
- Paste PGP Private Key into PGP_PrivateKey secret within Secrets Manager console.
- Attach Transfer Family Managed Workflow to Transfer Family server within Transfer Family console.
- Open CloudShell and clone this GitHub repository.
- Run setupEnvironment.sh bash script.
- Deploy this CloudFormation stack which creates necessary IAM Roles, Lambda Function, PGP_PrivateKey Secret, and S3 Bucket.
- Create a Transfer Family Server / Transfer Family User. (Must pick one of the following options)
- Option 1: Deploy a Transfer Family server with a custom Secrets Manager based identity provider via CloudFormation stack.
- Option 2: Use an existing Transfer Family server that is already configured within your environment.
- Option 3: Manually create your own Transfer Family server / Transfer Family managed user via the AWS Console.
- Add your PGP private key in Secrets Manager.
- Attach Transfer Family Managed Workflow to Transfer Family server.
Open CloudShell within your AWS account.
Run the following command to clone this Git repository to access the required files for this project:
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/pgp-decryption-for-transfer-family.git
Change into the new pgp-decryption-for-transfer-family directory:
cd pgp-decryption-for-transfer-family/
Run this command to give the setupEnvironment.sh script executable permissions:
chmod + x setupEnvironment.sh
Run this command to create the required IAM roles and Lambda layer:
Now, deploy the CloudFormation stack that will build IAM roles and Lambda function:
sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
- Respond to the following prompts:
- Enter in a stack name:
- Select a region: Press enter to leave as default
- Enter in a name for the S3 bucket:
- Confirm changes before deploy[y/N]: n
- Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation[Y/n]: y
- Disable rollback [y/N]: n
- Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: y
- SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]: Press enter to leave as default
- SAM configuration environment [default]: Press enter to leave as default
- Respond to the following prompts:
- NOTE: This project requires a Transfer Family server, you must choose one of these three options:
- Option 1: Deploy a Transfer Family server with a custom Secrets Manager based identity provider via CloudFormation stack.
- Option 2: Use an existing Transfer Family server that is already configured within your environment.
- Option 3: Manually create your own Transfer Family server / Transfer Family managed user via the AWS Console.
Option 1: Deploying CloudFormation Stack to Create Transfer Family Server with Custom Identity Provider
- Refer to this link for detailed instructions on deploying a CloudFormation stack that will create a Transfer Family server, custom identity provider, and all the required IAM policies: Enable password authentication for AWS Transfer Family using AWS Secrets Manager
- Short Summary of Steps Required:
In CloudShell, run the following:
Create a new directory for this CloudFormation stack and change into the new directory:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
Download the CloudFormation stack using the link mentioned on the blog post linked above, at the time of creating this, the command is as follows:
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-transfer-resources/custom-idp-templates/aws-transfer-custom-idp-secrets-manager-sourceip-protocol-support-apig.zip
After downloading the zip, unzip it:
unzip aws-transfer-custom-idp-secrets-manager-sourceip-protocol-support-apig.zip
Run the following command:
sam deploy --guided
Respond to the following prompts:
- Enter in a stack name:
- Select a region: Press enter to leave as default
- Parameter CreateServer [true]: Press enter to leave as default
- Parameter SecretsManagerRegion []: Press enter to leave as default
- Parameter TransferEndpointType [PUBLIC]: Press enter to leave as default
- Parameter TransferSubnetIDs []: Press enter to leave as default
- Parameter TransferVPCID []: Press enter to leave as default
- Confirm changes before deploy[y/N]: n
- Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation[Y/n]: y
- Disable rollback [y/N]: n
- Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: y
- SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]: Press enter to leave as default
- SAM configuration environment [default]: Press enter to leave as default
- Naviage to the AWS Secrets Manager console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager)
- Create a new secret by choosing Store a new secret.
- Choose Other type of secret.
- Create the following key-value pairs. The key names are case-sensitive.
- Create a new secret by choosing Store a new secret.
Secret Key | Secret Value |
Password | TestPassword1234! |
Role | arn:aws:iam::INSERT-ACCOUNT-ID:role/PGPDecryptionTransferFamilyUserRole |
HomeDirectoryDetails | [{"Entry": "/", "Target": "/INSERT-S3-BUCKET-NAME/INSERT-USER-NAME"}] |
HomeDirectoryType | LOGICAL |
To get the specific role ARN and S3 bucket name, go to the CloudFormation console and select:
- Stacks -> Stack 1 Name (Ex. pgpdecryptionstack) -> Outputs
Click "Next"
Name the secret in the format: serverID/username
- If you deployed Transfer Family CloudFormation stack:
- Go to CloudFormation console and select: Stacks -> Stack 1 Name (Ex. transferFamilyServer) -> Outputs
- Select "ServerId"
- Go to CloudFormation console and select: Stacks -> Stack 1 Name (Ex. transferFamilyServer) -> Outputs
- If you did not deploy Transfer Family CloudFormation stack:
- Go to the Transfer Family console, select "Servers", and then select the appropriate serverId.
- If you deployed Transfer Family CloudFormation stack:
Select "Next" -> "Next" -> "Store"
- No configuration needed at this time, proceed to next step of pasting your PGP Private Key into the PGP_PrivateKey secret within Secrets Manager.
- If you don't want to deploy the custom Transfer Family identity provider via CloudFormation mentioned in option 1, and you don't have an active Transfer Family server, please refer to this link for instructions on how to create a new Transfer Family server + Transfer Family managed user: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transfer/latest/userguide/getting-started.html
- Navigate to the AWS Secrets Manager console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager
- Select "Secrets"
- Select the secret named: "PGP_PrivateKey"
- Select "Retrieve secret value"
- Select "Edit"
- Remove the text: "Within the Secrets Manager console, paste your PGP private key here"
- Paste in your PGP Private key
- Select "Save"
- On the Transfer Family console, select "Servers"
- Select your desired Transfer Family server
- Under "Additional details", select "Edit"
- Select the Workflow with the description: "Transfer Family Workflow for PGP decryption process"
- Select the Managed workflow execution role with the name: "PGPDecryptionManagedWorkflowRole"
- Select "Save"
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.