Mathlog のマークアップを Typst で書いて変換するツールです.
A tool to write Mathlog markup with Typst.
Typst source:
// set mathlog style
#import "../style/mathlog_style.typ": *
= Gröbner 基底
== 単項式順序
$K$ を体,$R = K[X_1, ..., X_n]$ を $K$-上 $n$ 変数多項式環とする.
$R$ の単項式全体の集合を $cal(M)_R$ とおく.
$cal(M)_R$ は乗法に関して可換モノイドをなす.
#def(title: "単項式順序")[
多項式環 $R$ の *単項式順序* (_monomial order_) とは,$cal(M)_R$ 上の全順序 $prec.eq$ であって,任意の $mu, mu', nu in cal(M)_R$ に対して以下を満たすもののことである:
1. $1 prec.eq mu$;
2. $mu prec.eq mu' ==> mu dot nu prec.eq mu' dot nu$.
Mathlog result:
<!-- #import "../style/mathlog_style.typ": * -->
# Gröbner 基底
## 単項式順序
&&&def 単項式順序
多項式環$R$の**単項式順序**(*monomial order*) とは,$\mathcal{M}_{R}$上の全順序$≼$であって,任意の$\mu,\mu',\nu∈\mathcal{M}_{R}$に対して以下を満たすもののことである:
1. $1≼\mu$;
2. $\mu≼\mu'⟹\mu\cdot\nu≼\mu'\cdot\nu$.
Install an asset on GitHub Releases(only for Windows) or build from source (requires cargo 1.70.0).
is a style file for Mathlog-like environments and styles.
You can use it by
#import "style/mathlog_style.typ": *
in Typst source.
After you have written Typst source, then run bin/typst-to-mathlog.exe
with the following arguments:
typst-to-mathlog <input> <output>
The directory dictionary
includes a dictionary file dictionary.json
to convert commands in Typst source to ones in TeX
includes all characters which can be written in Typst, but it converts all to unicode characters.
is a patch file for this, which rewrite some commands into TeX native commands.
One can change the dictionary file by the following way:
- rewrite
, - run
- Support all environments
- Support links
- Support labels/refs
- Support tables
- Support images
- Support all math commands
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