This is an install script that will install Mycroft via the git installation method, create the systemd script, install Pulseaudio as a system wide service and optionally install Spotifyd (arm version), the Finished Booting skill and the Respeaker Mic Array v2.0 Pixel Ring skill. Note: If you choose not to install Mimic locally or have speaker issues after reboot you may have to use the mycroft-cli-client
command to view the pairing code.
- Download the script into /home/pi
- Add execution bit to downloaded file
chmod +x
- Run as pi user
- Follow the interactive install
- Raspberry Pi 3 or 3B+/4B+
Older Raspberry Pi versions do not have sufficient processing power, and if they work they will be very slow - Rasbian Buster
Fresh install of Raspbian Buster - Audio input and output devices compatible with Mycroft
This script is built to support the Respeaker Mic Array v2.0 USB device but may work with other devices