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125 lines (99 loc) · 4.05 KB

Modelling and characterising multi-template PCR biases in 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data.

Source code, metadata and instructions required to reproduce the study. The instructions assume that you are running a Unix-like operating system (either GNU/Linux or macOS).


First of all, let's clone the publication repository and some utilities

$ git clone
$ cd pcr_bias_publication && git clone
  • Python. We recommend installing all Python dependencies in a conda virtual environment.
$ conda create -n pcr python=3.6
$ conda activate pcr
(pcr) $ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda biom-format biopython cd-hit h5py jupyter ipython numpy pandas pymc3 scikit-bio scikit-learn scipy seaborn theano=1.0.4 regex tqdm
(pcr) $ pip install editdistance resample rpy2 fn
(pcr) $ pip install --no-cache-dir git+
  • R. Since there are far too many ways your R environment might be configured (personally, we use R via an RStudio Server instance running on our server), we will only list all R dependencies and leave it up to you to install them

    • broom
    • compositions
    • dada2
    • docstring
    • dplyr
    • ggfortify
    • ggplot2
    • ggtree
    • glmnet
    • latex2exp
    • MASS
    • phangorn
    • phyloseq
    • phytools
    • plyr
    • reshape2
    • sfsmisc
    • tidyr
    • vegan
    • zCompositions
  • QIIME2. We use one plugin from QIIME2 for phylogenetic placement. You should install QIIME2 in a separate conda environment following the official instuctions.

Train a taxonomic classifier

If you have installed Python dependecies following our instructions, all steps in this section are supposed to be performed with the pcr conda environment activated.

  • Download and preprocess SILVA release 132: silva.ipynb
  • Reduce redundancy in taxonomy groups
$ for group in taxonomy/groups/*.fna; do
    nseq=$(grep -c '^>' ${group})
    if [ "$nseq" -gt 1 ]; then
        cd-hit-est -c 1.0 -T 8 -M 2000 -i ${group} -o ${groupout} &> ${groupout}.log
        cp ${group} ${groupout}

ls taxonomy/groups/ \
    | grep '_nonredundant.fna$' \
    | awk '{print "taxonomy/groups/"$1}' \
    | xargs cat \
    | gzip -c > taxonomy/trainset.fna.gz

rm -r taxonomy/groups
  • Train an IDTaxa classifier: idtaxa.Rmd

Preprocess the data

If you have installed Python dependecies following our instructions, all steps in this section are supposed to be performed with the pcr conda environment activated.

  • Remove primers. We allow up to 2 mismatches (in addition to ambiguity)
mkdir -p noprimer
for sample in $(ls raw | awk -F '_' '{print $1"_"$2}' | sort -u); do
    revout="noprimer/${sample}_R2.fastq" -m 2 \  # allow up to 2 mismatches
        ${fwdin} ${revin} ${fwdout} ${revout} \
        2> "noprimer/${sample}.log"
gzip noprimer/*.fastq
  • Denoise sequences, merge pairs, remove chimera, remove zero-inflated observations, predict taxonomy: preprocessing.Rmd

Phylogenetic placement

Here you must use a QIIME2 conda environment. Run phylogenetic placement wrt the reference GreenGenes 13.8 99% tree using SEPP the q2-fragment-insertion plugin in QIIME2.

mkdir -p tree

qiime tools import \
    --input-path dada/sequences.fna \
    --output-path tree/sequences.qza \
    --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]'

qiime fragment-insertion sepp \
    --p-threads 20 \
    --i-representative-sequences tree/sequences.qza \
    --o-tree tree/tree.qza \
    --o-placements tree/placements.qza
qiime tools export \
    --input-path tree/tree.qza \
    --output-path tree

Modelling and statistics

Everything is done in modelling.ipynb. The notebook contains comments to carry you along the way.