Source code, metadata and instructions required to reproduce the study. The instructions assume that you are running a Unix-like operating system (either GNU/Linux or macOS).
First of all, let's clone the publication repository and some utilities
$ git clone
$ cd pcr_bias_publication && git clone
- Python. We recommend installing all Python dependencies in a
virtual environment.
$ conda create -n pcr python=3.6
$ conda activate pcr
(pcr) $ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda biom-format biopython cd-hit h5py jupyter ipython numpy pandas pymc3 scikit-bio scikit-learn scipy seaborn theano=1.0.4 regex tqdm
(pcr) $ pip install editdistance resample rpy2 fn
(pcr) $ pip install --no-cache-dir git+
R. Since there are far too many ways your R environment might be configured (personally, we use R via an RStudio Server instance running on our server), we will only list all R dependencies and leave it up to you to install them
- broom
- compositions
- dada2
- docstring
- dplyr
- ggfortify
- ggplot2
- ggtree
- glmnet
- latex2exp
- phangorn
- phyloseq
- phytools
- plyr
- reshape2
- sfsmisc
- tidyr
- vegan
- zCompositions
QIIME2. We use one plugin from QIIME2 for phylogenetic placement. You should install QIIME2 in a separate conda environment following the official instuctions.
If you have installed Python dependecies following our instructions, all steps in this section are supposed to be performed with the pcr
conda environment activated.
- Download and preprocess SILVA release 132:
- Reduce redundancy in taxonomy groups
$ for group in taxonomy/groups/*.fna; do
nseq=$(grep -c '^>' ${group})
if [ "$nseq" -gt 1 ]; then
cd-hit-est -c 1.0 -T 8 -M 2000 -i ${group} -o ${groupout} &> ${groupout}.log
cp ${group} ${groupout}
ls taxonomy/groups/ \
| grep '_nonredundant.fna$' \
| awk '{print "taxonomy/groups/"$1}' \
| xargs cat \
| gzip -c > taxonomy/trainset.fna.gz
rm -r taxonomy/groups
- Train an IDTaxa classifier:
If you have installed Python dependecies following our instructions, all steps in this section are supposed to be performed with the pcr
conda environment activated.
- Remove primers. We allow up to 2 mismatches (in addition to ambiguity)
mkdir -p noprimer
for sample in $(ls raw | awk -F '_' '{print $1"_"$2}' | sort -u); do
revout="noprimer/${sample}_R2.fastq" -m 2 \ # allow up to 2 mismatches
${fwdin} ${revin} ${fwdout} ${revout} \
2> "noprimer/${sample}.log"
gzip noprimer/*.fastq
- Denoise sequences, merge pairs, remove chimera, remove zero-inflated observations, predict taxonomy:
Here you must use a QIIME2 conda environment. Run phylogenetic placement wrt the reference GreenGenes 13.8 99% tree using SEPP the q2-fragment-insertion
plugin in QIIME2.
mkdir -p tree
qiime tools import \
--input-path dada/sequences.fna \
--output-path tree/sequences.qza \
--type 'FeatureData[Sequence]'
qiime fragment-insertion sepp \
--p-threads 20 \
--i-representative-sequences tree/sequences.qza \
--o-tree tree/tree.qza \
--o-placements tree/placements.qza
qiime tools export \
--input-path tree/tree.qza \
--output-path tree
Everything is done in modelling.ipynb
. The notebook contains comments to carry you along the way.