MDG integration tool between Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect UML tool and JHipster
EA UML to JHipster Generator MDG produces JDL (JHipster Domain Language) content in a JL file from UML models maintained in Enterprise Architect. This output can be used in JHipster to create the application's entities, including properties and relations. This is an alternative the online JDL-Studio tool by using Sparx Enterprise Architect UML modelling tool. This project has been initiated and used for a software application project carried by VISEO when JHipster version 2 was available.
- The current project is compatible with JHipster 2 and its JDL (JHipster Definition Language)
- if you use the latest JHipster version, this MDG will work but limited to JHipster 2 definitions
- New JHipster versions (e.g. 4) require setting up a new folder with enhanced definitions
- additional and modified stereotypes to cater for new properties introduced since JHipster 2 (UML profile update)
- updated script to generate the appropriate JDL content
- Retrieve the XML file located in folder "JHipster 2\02 MDG XML Installation"
- Note: when new JHipster versions will be supported, you will need to select the JHipster folder matching your installed version
- Open your EA project in Sparx Enterprise Architect
- Open EA menu PROJECT > MDG Technology Import (EA 12.1 version), or open ribbon PUBLISH > Technology > Publish > Import MDG Technology (EA 13 version)
- Select the JHipster 2 MDG Technology.xml file (folder location: JHipster 2\02 MDG XML Installation)
- Click on OK to confirm
- The installed MDG should be visible in the Resources view
Open your EA project or the example project available from "JHipster 2\EA UML to JHipster 2 example.EAP"
Open the existing "JHipster 2 diagram", or create a diagram, select Type JHipster 2 \ JHipster 2
Use the toolbox to create JHipster entities; "JHipster Entity" stereotyped classes are created.
You can also add attributes to the class using the toolbox; "JHipster" attributes will be created.
Define your entities and their properties, and provide values in Tagged Values when applicable:
- "JHipster Entity" Classes
- jhipsterDto : select mapstruct for the DTO-entity mapping or none
- jhipsterPaginate : pagination choice for lists (infinite-scroll, pager, pagination) or none
- jhipsterService : apply serviceClass to the entity or none
- "JHipster" attributes
- jhipsterisRequired : set the value to 1 if the attribute is required
- jhipsterMin: provides the minimum value (declared as minlength for String attributes, or min for Integer, Long, Float, Double, or BigDecimal attributes)
- jhipsterMax: provides the maximum value (declared as maxlength for String attributes, or max for Integer, Long, Float, Double, or BigDecimal attributes)
- jhipsterPattern: provide the pattern value for a String attribute
- "JHipster Entity" Classes
Once the model is completed, use the script to generate the JDL content
- In the EA Project Browser, select the package that contains all your entities
- Display the scripting view with menu TOOLS > Scripting
- Open the VISEO EA UML to JHipster Generator group
- Right click on Generate JHipster 2 JDL > Run Script
- The JDL content is generated in the System Output, available to copy to a JH file:
- Right click in the System Output > Copy All to Clipboard
- Paste the content in a text editor and save your jhipster JH file
- Below is the result from the example (Test1 & Test2 entities)
=== EA UML to JHipster Entity Export === == More information is available from == INSTRUCTIONS: copy and paste the following content in a text file, and rename it e.g. as dpl.jh = entity Test1 { prop1 Integer required max(10) min(0), prop2 String } entity Test2 { prop1 Integer required max(10) min(0), prop2 String } relationship { Test1{test2} to Test2 } paginate Test1, Test2 with pagination dto Test1, Test2 with mapstruct service Test1, Test2 with serviceClass
Generate the entities in JHipster by copying the file to your JHipster application’s root folder, and running the following:
jhipster import-jdl my_file.jdl or jhipster-uml my_file.jdl
More information is available from
- Updating the MDG e.g. stereotypes, script, can be achieved via the EA project located in \MDG-Sparx-EA-UML-JHipster\JHipster 2\00 MDG EAP
- This EA project includes the information to generate a new version of the MDG.
- Create the XML file for the UML profile: right click on «profile» JHipster 2 > Advanced > Save Package as UML Profile Filename = \MDG-Sparx-EA-UML-JHipster\JHipster 2\01 MDG XML Sources\01-JHipster2-UML-Profile.xml
- Create the XML file for the Diagram profile: right click on «diagram profile» JHipster 2 > Advanced > Save Package as UML Profile Filename = \MDG-Sparx-EA-UML-JHipster\JHipster 2\01 MDG XML Sources\02-JHipster2-Diagram-Profile.xml
- Create the XML file for the Toolbox profile: right click on «toolbox profile» JHipster 2 > Advanced > Save Package as UML Profile Filename = \MDG-Sparx-EA-UML-JHipster\JHipster 2\01 MDG XML Sources\03-JHipster2-Toolbox-Profile.xml
- The MDG can be generated using the MTS file located in JHipster 2 root folder
- Edit the "MDG Jhipster 2.mts" file and replace
- Open menu TOOLS > Generate MDG Technology File (EA 12.1 version) and select the "MDG Jhipster 2.mts" file and follow the process to generate the MDG file