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Releases: asitav-sen/KoboconnectR

Version 2

21 Aug 15:47
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In version 2, all the REST API call functions use httr2 (instead of httr). Further, they use REST api version 2 of Kobotoolbox.
No function is depreciated. None of the input options has changed.
Install from CRAN (binaries available).

Version 1.2.0

16 Oct 18:53
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New functions added to download media files and xls formats.

Version 1.1.1 (Bug Fixes)

24 May 10:44
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Fixed bugs:

  1. API not reacting to parameters
  2. Functions failing due to internet resource unavailability

Minor update to Ver 1.1.0

15 May 06:18
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Added New Function kobo_df_download that directly downloads csv files.

Version 1.0.0

29 Mar 22:08
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Version 1.0.0 of KoboconnectR released and published in CRAN.