Simple Microsoft Graph API requests module
To use this module you need to be familiar with Microsoft Docs site where you can find all possible resources for requests.
GraphAPIRequests supports all type of the requests. You do not need to create the headers, this module will do all the things instead of you! Just select required resource, register the application, get the token and run Invoke-GraphApiRequest.
Install the latest module version from PSGallery using:
PS C:\> Install-Module GraphApiRequests
To start using this module you need to register the Graph API application in your Azure AD following this instruction.
There are two types of the permissions:
- Delegated permissions - possible to use only with user interaction. User needs to authorise in application using his credentials. (Get-GraphDeviceAuthentication)
- Application permissions - requests require this type of permissions can be automated and be used without user interaction (Get-GraphToken)
Depends of the type of permissions you can use two different commandlets for getting a token.
There are the pre-requisites for using this type of authorization:
- Redirect URIs should be configured in your application as 'Mobile and desktop applications'
- "https://localhost" should be added as Redirect URI
- Permission assigned to application should be "Delegated"
- Manifest parameter "allowPublicClient" should be set to "true"
PS C:\> $Token = Get-GraphDeviceAuthToken -TenantName 'contoso' -AppId '246c7445-eee6-4d60-968d-f83d67183753'
Getting the device auth token for Contoso tenant using application ID registered in Azure AD
For using this auth method, you need to generate Client Secret (AppSecret) in application Certificates & secrets menu.
PS C:\> $Token = Get-GraphToken -AppId '246c7445-eee6-4d60-968d-f83d67183753' -AppSecret '6R[O)5D8sHZ^pt"3' -TenantId 'd1ee13a4-c9d0-4ab0-bff5-c011dfc20717'
Example of getting a token using AppId, AppSecret and TenantId
For invoking Graph request you need firstly to get the token using one of the showed examples above.
When you got the token to $Token variable, you can try to get some user info:
PS C:\> Invoke-GraphApiRequest -Token $Token -Resource 'users/[email protected]' -Method Get
Creating a group with predefined properties:
PS C:\>$BodyObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
description = "Self help community for golf"
displayName = "Golf Assist"
groupTypes = @(
mailEnabled = $true
mailNickname = "golfassist"
securityenabled = $false
PS C:\> $BodyJson = ConvertTo-Json $BodyObject
PS C:\> Invoke-GraphApiRequest -Token $Token -Resource groups -Method POST -Body $BodyJson
About more possible resources you can read in official Microsoft documentation
Author is not responsible for any damage caused to your infrastructure as a result of the module's operation. USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK!