FreeRTOS Introduction with Qemu in VSCode
This repo implements concepts from Digi-Key FreeRTOS introduction.
Introduction to RTOS | Digi-Key Electronics
You dont have hardware and you dont care about any specific hardware but learning FreeRTOS.
- Install C/C++ extension in VSCode.
- Install(download and unzip path of your choice) arm-none-eabi-gcc.
- Create environment variable GCC_ARM_NONE_EABI_BIN_PATH which points to binaries.
- Install GNU make utility.
- Install CMake utility.
- Update submodules recursively.
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Give execute permission files under shell.
chmod +x shell/*.sh
- After all satisfied, run checks prerequisities.
- Open VSCode to this folder.
- On the VSCode left side panel, select the “Run and Debug” button.
- Then select “Launch QEMU demo of your choice” from the dropdown on the top right and press the play button.
- This will build, run, and attach a debugger to the demo program.
Use the scripts under shell. Examples:
./shell/ 9_hw_int_challenge/
./shell/ 9_hw_int_challenge/
If you make environment variable FREERTOS_INTRO_QEMU_TERM, it will try to launch and connect serial hardware display. Tested with gnome-terminal. In case something fails see the err.txt under build folder.
export FREERTOS_INTRO_QEMU_TERM=gnome-terminal
Exact versions are not mandatory. Given as example.
Tool | Version |
qemu-system-arm | 6.2.0 |
arm-none-eabi-gcc | 10.3-2021.10 |
make | 4.3 |
cmake | 3.25.1 |
Tracealyzer | 4.10.2 |