README file for StoriesAPI
Created on 4/30/2020
StoriesAPI is an API to manage the stories for the ResourceSC project created for 4thSource to have control in the future Internships programs. This API has an MVC structure created with Spring Boot Framework.
GitHub -
AWS EB (QA Enviroment) -
Technology | Usage |
Eclipse | IDE |
Java 8 | Programming Lenguague |
Spring | Framework |
Maven | Dependencies/Release Handler |
Swagger | Documentation |
Postman | Testing |
Log4j2 | Log Managment |
Junit 4 | Unit Testing |
Mockito | Testing Framework |
MongoDB | NoSQL Database |
MongoCompass | Mongo GUI |
AWS Elastic BeanStalk | Deploying Web App |
Developer | |
Dana Elena Pinto Apolinar | [email protected] |
Jose Armando Sanchez Barajas | [email protected] |
Alejandro Gutierrez Aguilar | [email protected] |
Juan Zepeda Hernandez | [email protected] |
Swagger -
Actuator -