is a Webpack plugin that helps you manage JavaScript bundles and add them to your library files. It ensures that your bundles are correctly minified and preprocessed.
To install the plugin, run:
npm install add-bundles-to-libraries-plugin
To use AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin in your Webpack configuration, you need to require it and add it to the plugins array in your Webpack configuration file.
const AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin = require('add-bundles-to-libraries-plugin');
AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin accepts the following options:
- distPath: The path to the distribution directory. Must be a non-empty string if provided.
- libraryFileName: The name of the library file. Must be a non-empty string if provided.
- moduleName: The name of the module. Must be a non-empty string if provided.
Without options, the module will try and detect your environment
module.exports = {
// Your Webpack configuration
plugins: [
new AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin()
Alternatively, you may provide options to the plugin to specify the paths
module.exports = {
// Your Webpack configuration
plugins: [
new AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin({
distPath: 'path/to/distribution_folder_for_project',
libraryFileName: 'my_module.libraries.yml',
moduleName: 'my_module'
As an example lets say my_drupal_project is structured like
-- my_drupal_project
|-- config
|-- js
|-- dist
|-- vendor.bundle.js
|-- main.bundle.js
|-- src
|-- webpack.config.js
|-- src
|-- my_drupal_project.libraries.yml
|-- my_drupal_project.module
... etc
So our configuration would look like:
new AddBundlesToLibrariesPlugin({
distPath: 'js/dist',
libraryFileName: '../my_drupal_project.libraries.yml',
moduleName: 'my_drupal_project'