- What Blocklists Can Be Added Here
- Where Blocklists Are Published
- Filters Metadata
- Services Metadata
- How to Build
This repository contains the known hosts blocklists that are made available to the users of AdGuard products (AdGuard DNS, AdGuard Home, etc).
Some of these blocklists are automatically converted to the rules format that AdGuard product understand better.
contains all the blocklists added to the repo.downloadURL
is the location of the re-hosted blocklist.services.json
is the meta-data of "Web Services". This is a part of the parental control functionality of AdGuard Home and AdGuard DNS.
The blocklist should be oriented towards DNS-level content blockers. There is a different repo for browser content blockers.
We prefer (mostly) original lists to compilations.
We prefer blocklists that are specifically made for AdGuard Home and use adblock-style syntax. Lists that use
can also be added if there is no alternative. -
The blocklist should have a clear purpose.
- good: "blocks TV ads".
- bad: "John Doe's personal blocklist"
The blocklist should have a place for receiving user complaints and holding discussions, such as a repository on github.com, or a public website/forum.
The blocklist should be relatively popular, meaning:
- if there is a repository on GitHub, the number of stars should be at least 50.
- if there is no repository on GitHub, the number of reported issues and discussions should be at least 10 per month.
- the blocklist should be actively supported for at least 6 months.
The blocklist should be regularly updated with at least 10 updates per month.
Previously added blocklists that haven't received any support for a year will be removed. We reserve the right to remove the blocklist earlier, depending on circumstances.
If the blocklist contains too many problematic rules, it will not be added. A rule is considered problematic if it causes false positives or otherwise displays unitended behavior. Decisions about blocklists with problematic rules are arbitrary and there may be exceptions.
If the blocklist intentionally blocks or restricts access to a service for no reason other than being a reflection of the filter author's opinion, the blocklist will not get added, or will get removed if already added.
If the blocklist is popular in a specific region and there are no alternatives to it, then it can be added as is even if it does not satisfy requirements above.
Filter metadata. Includes name, description, etc.
— unique human-readable filter identifier (string) -
- unique internal filter identifier (integer) -
— filter name; can be localized -
— filter description -
— time when this filter was added to the registry; milliseconds since January 1, 1970; you can execnew Date().getTime()
in the browser console to get the current time -
— filter website/homepage -
— filter's default expiration period -
— this number is used when AdGuard sorts available filters (GUI) -
— a list of tagsMetadata example
{ "filterId": "adguard_dns_filter", "id": 1, "name": "AdGuard DNS filter", "description": "Filter composed of several other filters (AdGuard Base filter, Social Media filter, Tracking Protection filter, Mobile Ads filter, EasyList and EasyPrivacy) and simplified specifically to be better compatible with DNS-level ad blocking.", "timeAdded": 1404115015843, "homepage": "https://kb.adguard.com/general/adguard-ad-filters", "expires": "4 days", "displayNumber": 3, "tags": [] }
Filter version metadata, automatically filled and overwritten on each build.
Resulting compiled filter.
Configuration defines your filter list sources, and the transformations that are applied to the sources. See Hostlist compiler configuration for details
Every filter can be marked by a number of tags. Every tag metadata listed in /tags/metadata.json
"tagId": 1,
"keyword": "purpose:ads"
Possible tags:
— for language-specific filters; one or multiple lang-tags can be used. For instance, AdGuard Russian filter is marked with thelang:ru
tag. -
— determines filters purposes; multiple purpose-tags can be used for one filter list. For instance,List-KR
is marked with bothpurpose:ads
. -
— for low-risk filter lists which are recommended to use in their category. The category is determined by the pair of thelang:*
tags. -
— for abandoned filter lists; filter's metadata with this tag will be excluded fromfilters.json
Service metadata. Includes id, name, rules, icon.
— unique human-readable service identifier (string) -
— service name (string) -
- list of rules (list of strings) -
- svg icon (string)Service example
{ "id": "wechat", "name": "WeChat", "rules": ["||wechat.com^", "||weixin.qq.com^", "||wx.qq.com^"], "icon_svg": "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" className=\"d-none\"><symbol id=\"service_wechat\" viewBox=\"0 0 50 50\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"M 19 6 C 9.625 6 2 12.503906 2 20.5 C 2 24.769531 4.058594 28.609375 7.816406 31.390625 L 5.179688 39.304688 L 13.425781 34.199219 C 15.714844 34.917969 18.507813 35.171875 21.203125 34.875 C 23.390625 39.109375 28.332031 42 34 42 C 35.722656 42 37.316406 41.675781 38.796875 41.234375 L 45.644531 45.066406 L 43.734375 38.515625 C 46.3125 36.375 48 33.394531 48 30 C 48 23.789063 42.597656 18.835938 35.75 18.105469 C 34.40625 11.152344 27.367188 6 19 6 Z M 13 14 C 14.101563 14 15 14.898438 15 16 C 15 17.101563 14.101563 18 13 18 C 11.898438 18 11 17.101563 11 16 C 11 14.898438 11.898438 14 13 14 Z M 25 14 C 26.101563 14 27 14.898438 27 16 C 27 17.101563 26.101563 18 25 18 C 23.898438 18 23 17.101563 23 16 C 23 14.898438 23.898438 14 25 14 Z M 34 20 C 40.746094 20 46 24.535156 46 30 C 46 32.957031 44.492188 35.550781 42.003906 37.394531 L 41.445313 37.8125 L 42.355469 40.933594 L 39.105469 39.109375 L 38.683594 39.25 C 37.285156 39.71875 35.6875 40 34 40 C 27.253906 40 22 35.464844 22 30 C 22 24.535156 27.253906 20 34 20 Z M 29.5 26 C 28.699219 26 28 26.699219 28 27.5 C 28 28.300781 28.699219 29 29.5 29 C 30.300781 29 31 28.300781 31 27.5 C 31 26.699219 30.300781 26 29.5 26 Z M 38.5 26 C 37.699219 26 37 26.699219 37 27.5 C 37 28.300781 37.699219 29 38.5 29 C 39.300781 29 40 28.300781 40 27.5 C 40 26.699219 39.300781 26 38.5 26 Z\" /></symbol></svg>" }
yarn install
Run the following command:
yarn run compose
The build result can be found in the assets