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Zurich Technical Assignment

version Run API Unit Test Run UI Unit Test

Typescript logoMongo DB LogoReactLogoSwagger LogoNest JS LogoAWS Logo

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This project aims in creating a Web Application to meet the requirements of the UI technical assignment. Built entirely with Typescript !!


Technical Assignments (with description)

With this in mind, Zurich is concerned about:

  • React hosting solutions
    • I decided to use AWS CDK (Cloudformation) to deploy React as a SPA
  • React security, how to secure home page from unauthorized access
    • Using JWT Session Token (provided by Google OAuth 2.0 Redirect)
  • Proper used of React Redux reducer and actions
    • Please find all redux store and reducers under ui/src/commons/state folder
  • Reusable react components
    • All components are reusable and can be found in ui/src/components folder
  • How to make secure API call from react which require authentication
    • I used NestJS + Mongo DB + Google OAuth 2.0 URI Redirect

Important Links

Design and Architecture

This Project (app) is built by leveraging IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). The framework used is AWS CDK v2 (which is built on top of cloudformation and written in Typescript).


  • AWS CDK v2, makes it easy to scaffold on AWS cloud using Level 2 constructs.
  • Using AWS CDK v2, you can easily maintain AWS Cloud resources under a single stack (Cloudformation stack)
  • You can unit test your Tech stack, to make sure the right resources (and right count) are being deployed. which is a huge benefit
    • npm run test
  • The CDK CLI offers easy to use build scripts to Create, Scale and Destroy all resources under a particular stack,
    • cdk bootstrap
    • cdk synth
    • cdk deploy
  • If setup correctly, The stacks can be deployed individually or as a whole

Frontend / UI Layer Architecture and Tech Stack

The Frontend is built using React v18.x and Redux (in Typescript). On the infrastructure, it consists of a S3 bucket hosting React App, connected to cloud front and served on HTTPS.

UI Architecture

Technology Stack used

  • React v18.x - scaffolding using create-react-app
  • Typescript
  • Redux - State management library
  • React Router Dom - Client side routes
  • Axios - Making Async calls to the Server
  • PicoCSS - Lightweight UI design library, great for POCs
  • Styled Components - Styling component library
  • Toastify - Notification library
  • Jest - All Unit testing is done using Jest
  • Github Actions (UI_test.yml) - Created a Github workflow to show build is passing and show the coverage
  • AWS CDK v2 - Hosting

UI Tech stack

How to run it and deploy

  • Navigate to the project root folder <root-folder>/ui
  • Run npm i
  • Run npm start
  • In order to deploy, I have setup automation shell scripts under <root-folder>/automation/scripts
  • Run zsh to clean src files
  • Run zsh to create a new build
  • Run zsh which copies it into aws -> build folder
  • Then run cdk deploy --ZurichTechSiteStack

Backend / API Layer Architecture

The Backend API / Rest service is built using Nest JS. On the infrastructure, it consists of a S3 bucket for hosting and Lambda services and Apigateway which act as a proxy to the request response going in and out of Nest JS.

The API is located under the following path: ./aws/lambda/api/

NOTE: The Nest JS

API Architecture

Technology Stack Used

  • NestJS v8.x - Restful API framework
  • Typescript
  • MongoDB Cloud - Database persistance layer
  • OAuth2.0 Google strategy - OAuth2.0 sign on using Google
  • cross fetch - Node JS client library for making Async calls to 3rd party API
  • aws-lambda - AWS proxy server to the root API
  • esbuild - Javascript deployment library to AWS cloud
  • Jest - All Unit testing is done using Jest
  • Github Actions (API_test.yml) - Created a Github workflow to show build is passing and show the coverage
  • AWS CDK v2 - Hosting

NOTE: for the sake of the demo, I had to deploy the API on Heroku Cloud since I had some last minute problems transitioning the API code from AWS CDK v1.168.0 to AWS CDK v2.0. But I've provided the API cloudformation template along with API code in aws folder

The RESTful API code is located at /aws/lambda/api

How to run it and deploy

  • Navigate to the project root folder <root-folder>/aws/lambda/api/
  • Run npm i
  • Run npm start:dev to run it locally on port 3001
  • In order to deploy, I have setup automation shell scripts under <root-folder>/automation/scripts
  • Run zsh to clean src files
  • Run zsh to create a new build
  • Then run cdk deploy --ZurichTechAPIStack to deploy to AWS cloud

Testing and Automation

Unit Testing

Both the frontend and API were built using Test driven development approach. Given the timeframe, I have not been able to achieve >80% code coverage but written just enough to touch every aspect of code. 😅

  • Unit Testing & Code coverage reports for UI can be found in the repository > actions > Run UI Unit Test
  • Unit Testing & Code coverage reports for API can be found in the repository > actions > Run API Unit Test
  • ❗Unit Testing & Code coverage for AWS cloudformation has to be run locally, Github has problems setting up the AWS env on the cloud.
    • Navigate to aws/
    • run npm i
    • run npm run test to see the unit test result.


  • I used JMeter to show the API Automation. The JMeter file can be found in - automation/z-tech.jmx Automation results

Swagger Documentation

Nest JS framework provides good support for OpenAPI specification.

Challenges Faced

  • I had trouble deploying the API to AWS cloud in the given timeframe mainly due to -
    • the cloudformation template I was using earlier to deploy were all AWS CDK v1.168.x
    • I encountered deployment errors especially on the API side, so as last minute effort deploy the code to heroku to show it works
  • Unnecessary use of a DB -
    • right now the Mongo DB is used purely to store the users who sign up for the first time, this is not required but for the sake of simplicity I added in Mongo DB Mongo DB
    • The DB doesn't store any sensitive information apart from Google email and first and last name and the jsonwebtoken that Google provides
  • Split architecture
    • I typically use the API to statically serve the UI in the same location as the API server. This is because I can make use of cookies for session storage
    • Due to the assignment requesting use of AWS, I had to split the frontend and API into 2 cloudformation templates
    • This would mean I cannot make use of Cookies to communicate session between the server and the client
    • I send the JSON token as part of the URL and the React application has a React hook to read it and store as part of the localStorage
    • JSON web tokens are URL safe!! plus they have expiry time of 24 hours {exp: '24h'}