my current configuration of my shell
configuration: .vimrc
.zshrc zsh plugins via antidote
git clone --depth=1 ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote
source ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote/antidote.zsh
antidote load
- direnv -
- aws-cli -
- direnv
- fzf
- fd
- bat
- eza
- zoxide
- lazygit
install P10K - romkatv/powerlevel10k in antidote
- wsl
- verify with
ssh.exe -l
git config --global core.sshCommand ssh.exe
- verify with
2024/10/01 - Add more automation
2024/09/24 - Using Lazy Plugin for neovim - :Lazy
- adding tmux plugin tpm
2023/09/17 - Remove Starship replaced with P10K