This package contains an efficient implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm (otherwise known as the Munkres Assignment Algorithm), which is the optimal method to compute the solution to the two-dimensional rectangular assignment problem. The algorithm runs in O(n^3) time. It has been generalized to work for cost matrices of arbitrary size (not necessarily square) and with both positive and negative costs.
For more information about the history and use of the algorithm, see its Wikipedia page.
In recent years, the Hungarian Algorithm has been used in deep learning methods such as Facebook's DETR and has a
widely-employed implementation in Python's scipy
library. However, to date, no fast implementation (using the Jonker-Volgenant variant) of the method exists
in Swift, despite the growing use of machine learning in IOS mobile applications. This package is an attempt to remedy that.
You can install HungarianAlgorithm
into a local Swift environment by modifying your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
url: "",
targets: [
dependencies: [
.product(name: "HungarianAlgorithm", package: "hungarianalgorithm"),
To use the algorithm, first specify a cost matrix. The [i, j]
entry of this matrix defines the cost of assigning worker i
to job j
Matrices must be created using the convention defined in the highly optimized LASwift package,
as shown below:
let costMatrix = Matrix([
Vector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]),
Vector([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]),
Vector([7.0, 8.0, 12.0]),
Next, simply use the HungarianAlgorithm.findOptimalAssignment
method with the defined cost matrix. This will return the row indices and column indices,
respectively, that indicate the optimal assignments -- (rowIndices[0], columnIndices[0])
is the first pair, and so on.
(rowIndices, columnIndices) = HungarianAlgorithm.findOptimalAssignment(costMatrix)
For alternative examples, refer to the unit tests found in Tests/HungarianAlgorithmTests
To add to this repository, create a branch, push your changes, and submit a Merge Request. We will review it before merging.
Spencer Young, [email protected]
This package is available for unconditional usage under the MIT license. See
for more information.