This project sends temperature and humidity with MQTT to Eclipse Hono.
- WiFi
- Running Hono instance with MQTT Adapter
- ESP8266-12 (tested with ESP12E DevKit V2)
- DHT22 sensor for temperature and humidity on Pin 2 (wiring)
NodeMCU 2.0.0 custom build (created by, build provides integer and float version, use float) with modules: cjson,dht,file,gpio,http,mqtt,net,node,tmr,uart,wifi.
See the NodeMCU documentation for information about the modules as well as building and flashing the firmware.
- e.g.: ESPlorer - includes a serial terminal. Might require drivers for the board (MacOS, Win, Linux should work). Set Baud rate to 115200.
Configure in file config.lua.
Flash, configure and start the device. It will register itself at Hono as "esp8266.MAC-address".