Aims at loading Criteo online advertising campaign data into R. Criteo is an online advertising service that enables advertisers to display commercial ads to web users. The package provides an authentication process for R with the Criteo API. Moreover, the package features an interface to query campaign data from the Criteo API. The data can be downloaded and will be transformed into a R data frame.
The package can be installed directly from this Github repository with:
The function doCriteoAuth
manages the complete authentication process and returns an authentication token.
generates the campaign report statement and schedules the report.
The API returns a job ID, which will later be used to receive the data.
manages the complete data download process. The function returns the requested data as data frame.
loads campaign information.
monitors if the API processed the report.
returns the download Url of the report.
loads the data into as R data frame.
returns the account information.
returns list of Campaigns and additional information.
authToken <- doCriteoAuth(user = "userName", password = "**********", company = "companyName", app = "appName", version = "3.6")
getCriteoCampaigns(authToken = authToken, appToken = '*************')
jobID <- scedCriteoReport(authToken = authToken, appToken = '*************', campaigns = c("12345", "23345", "98765", "45639"), metrics = c("clicks", "impressions", "cost", "sales"), start = "2015-09-01", end = "2015-09-06")
data <- criteoData(authToken = authToken, appToken = '*************', jobID = jobID)
jobStatus <- getCriteoJobStatus(authToken = authToken, appToken = '************', jobID = jobID)
URL <- getCriteoDownloadURL(authToken = authToken, appToken = '************', jobID = jobID)
data <- getCriteoData(URL = URL, jobID = jobID)