Todo :
- Add phpstan
- Add rector
- Add a disabled GitHub workflow for deployment
This project allow to install a Symfony skeleton app and run a swarm stack using barlito/traefik-base.
The project use also barlito/php-make-rules as a submodule and use all Make rules available in the repository.
Castor is used with alongside Makefile ro handle specific tasks.
php-starter project aim to help devs to build and deploy a Symfony applications easily. It provides a good base with quality & tests tools installed and ready to use.
- Remove .git folder and init a new one
rm -rf .git \
git init
- Run castor
command to set up the stack name, image name, router labels and project URL in Makefile, Castor main file and docker-compose
castor barlito:castor:set-stack-name my_stack_name
- To install symfony you need first to deploy the stack:
make docker.deploy
- Then you need to install Symfony:
make symfony.install
Now if you go to your project URL, you should get the Symfony welcome page.
You can deploy only the stack with:
make docker.deploy
This rule will only deploy the docker stack from the docker-compose.yml. -
You can deploy with a composer install, db creation, doctrine migration and fixtures with:
make deploy
Before run this rule you will need to set up the doctrine bundle, connection to the DB in env and a fixtures bundle.