ExGridhook is an app to receive and persist SendGrid webhook events.
We built this app since our previous solution couldn't handle the amount of events we receive from SendGrid. This app should scale better. We haven't seen any issues so far.
- "/" shows a friendly message.
- "/revision" returns the current git revison of the app.
- "/events" receives SendGrid events and persists them.
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Start the Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can navigate to localhost:4000
Phoenix Framework's "Introduction to Deployment" guide
This app deploys to Stack via Github Actions.
Deploys intentionally do not run migrations, because Gridlook is responsible for the production database structure. Migrations are only for dev/tests.
For non-Auctionet.com users
If you want to use this app, you should probably fork this repo and change how you persist data, CircleCI configuration and so on…
In order to have some sort of security, this app uses basic auth for the /events
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=<username you want to use>
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=<password of your choosing>
SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(mix phoenix.gen.secret)
We use hexpm/elixir for Elixir/Erlang support in Dockerfile.
Edit elixir_buildpack.config
and change the version numbers.
You can find supported tags in the dockerhub repo.