released this
02 Dec 17:46
0 commits
to b366592c1e909dcf64c78b084bc288853e51da03
since this release
- add "AdminStyleRock" class to body (e557380)
- add checkbox to prevent darkmode toggle (0edb4b0)
- add colorpicker + color palette + HSL colors (bb97f41)
- add config for custom variables (42898ec)
- add darkmode test by Chris-PW (d1f8218)
- add darkmode toggle (59a9344)
- add darkmode via JS instead of str_replace (6bccae1)
- add general contrast + pagetree styles (7152335)
- add gray border to pagelist to have same style as page edit (dffb432)
- add kitchen sink (d768eef)
- add overrides for rockpagebuilder (11fe250)
- add primary color to input elements (a3239e2)
- add rockpagebuilder overrides (cf00545)
- add status opacity (2e1221b)
- change symbol and color of nofile items in pagelist (5b21337)
- improve forms (a20c8f5)
- improve inputfield 10px border (b608c15)
- improve kitchen sink (000cc32)
- improve modal page edit (6c23627)
- improve nofile status on pagelist (4fbff4d)
- improve notification contrast (abcfde1)
- improve notifications and kitchen sink (62475c2)
- improve pagetree (a2343bc)
- improve pagetree (d934003)
- improve pagetree (c71a741)
- improve pagetree lines (4ca467c)
- improve pagination items (1a462a4)
- improve repeater gap + color (4548624)
- improve saturation input (029b3d8)
- improvements for repeater items (0395999)
- make asm items gray (2a2f51e)
- make move placeholders visible (2c09de2)
- make notes less aggressive (319c0e9)
- new input highlight concept (7dd6f25)
- new symbols for page status (64c5de9)
- refactor (b5ab32f)
- split line width of indent guides and status badges (c7a4b0b)
- split style into multiple files (d145c59)
- tweak RPB overrides (14621ce)
- updates after meeting, refactoring pagetree (caac049)
Bug Fixes
- add body class via PHP to avoid FOUC (d1b288a)
- change dashes (e48ac13)
- change move action color (36ba111)
- darkmode toggle checkbox not working (0d86778)
- define fallback @rock-primary (f3014ce)
- make chevron non-italic (6ecd251)
- make nofile status have priority over hidden/unpub (2ad9df1)
- only apply pagelist border on main pagelist (378de41)
- revert to default logo on uninstall (01de057)
- shadow on wrong elements (de9faf2)
- wrong fallback when hsl value contains 0 which is not blank! (6b1d335)