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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 22, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Scala CI codecov Codacy Badge


  • API: telegram webhook
  • Web: Mamen, Dota, Wallet app
  • Scheduler: Birthday, DotaMetadata, News, (broken: Instagram, Instastory, Twitter)


  1. Scala & SBT (automatically installed if you use intellij IDEA)
  2. Docker (optional: for IT testing or running in local)


  1. Postgre SQL
  2. Amazon S3 (using Minio for IT test)



  • sbt clean compile to clean all cache and compile the code

Unit Test

  • sbt test to run all the unit test
  • sbt "testOnly *ClassNameSpec" (yes, with asterix character) run only particular test class

Integration test

run docker-compose up -d for running necessary service dependencies

  • sbt it:test to run all the IT test (all the test inside it folder)
  • sbt "it:testOnly *ClassNameSpec" for run specific class integration tests

Local run

run sbt -Dconfig.resource=application-local.conf run. It might not perfectly works since you don't have some of my credentials such as Instagram or Telegram account

Remote debugging

run sbt -jvm-debug 5005 run


feel free to contact me at [email protected]
happy coding ^^