Homepage: http://evilpixie.scumways.com
A pixel-oriented paint program. If you ever used Deluxe Paint, this should be familiar :-)
Depends upon:
- qt5
- libimpy
- libpng
- giflib (version 5)
- libjpeg
For Debian/Unbuntu, this means something like:
$ sudo apt install qt5-default libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libgif-dev
Under Linux, Mac and Windows (under msys2):
$ git clone https://github.com/bcampbell/evilpixie.git
$ cd evilpixie
$ meson setup --buildtype release build
$ meson compile -C build
Under Linux, you can then install it with:
$ meson install -C build
By default the install prefix is /usr/local, but you can specify a different install location during setup:
$meson setup --prefix /tmp/epinstall build