A virtual controller for the ROS turtlesim_node using NippleJS and Rosbridge.
It allows you to control the ROS turtlesim_node from a simple webpapp using Rosbridge.
- Move the turtle with the right joystick or clicking the buttons.
- Change its orientation using the left joystick.
You can execute the controller using tmuxinator or roslaunch, like a regular ROS node/pkg.
This repo also contains some .py files inside the scripts folder, some extra code included to better know ROS functionalities using turtlesim_node.
- ROS Noetic: provides the main code to develop robot applications.
- Rosbridge: provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- NippleJS: provides a virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.
- Source ROS workspace
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
- Create and set up the ROS project workspace
mkdir turtlesim-controller-ws
cd turtlesim-controller-ws
mkdir src
This may have created new folders, build and devel, and a CMakeLists.txt file inside src.
- Clone the repo inside src folder
cd src
git clone https://github.com/beallasai/turtlesim-controller.git
There are two different ways to run the controller:
- roslaunch
1. Go back to the project folder (turtlesim-controller-ws)
cd ..
2. Source ROS workspace
source devel/setup.bash
3. Execute the run.launch file
roslaunch turtlesim-controller run.launch
This will run everything in the same terminal and open the webapp in browser
Close it with ctrl+c
- tmuxinator
1. Go to the folder with the .tmuxinator.yml file
cd turtlesim-controller/tmux/run/
2. Execute the file
This will open a tmux session with 3 panes:
- Starts Rosbridge Server
- Starts turtlesim_node
- Opens the webapp in browser
Move between panes using ctrl+b
↑, ↓, ←, →
Close the session with tquit
You can also control the turtle with your phone:
1. Make sure your PC and phone are connected to the same WiFi
2. Change the line 4 in the ros.js file with your PC IP
3. Run the webpage executing the phoneRun.launch file:
Go to the project folder (turtlesim-controller-ws)
Source ROS workspace
source devel/setup.bash
- Execute the phoneRun.launch file
roslaunch turtlesim-controller phoneRun.launch
4. Open the IP:8000
in your phone browser