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Laravel Beem

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This package enables Laravel developers to integrate their websites/APIs with all Beem API services

Table of Contents


Pre-installation requirements

  • Supports Laravel projects starting version 8.*
  • Minimum PHP version is 7.4
  • Your server must have the cURL PHP extension (ext-curl) installed

Then proceed to install

composer require beem/laravel-beem


To access Beem's APIs, you will need to provide the package with access to your Beem API Key and Secret Key.

For this we need to publish the package's configuration file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=beem-config

After you have created a Beem vendor account and obtained the keys on the dashboard, add their values in the .env variables



1. SMS

To send an SMS message, use the Beem facade and pass the message and recipients as arguments

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

$recipients = [
        'recipient_id' => (string) 1,
        'dest_addr' => (string) 255784000000,
        'recipient_id' => (string) 2,
        'dest_addr' => (string) 255754000000,
Beem::sms('This is the message', $recipients);

Optionally, you can include your custom sender name only if the request has been accepted on your vendor dashboard.

The default sender name is 'INFO'. You can change it by passing the sender_name argument. While using the default sender name, Beem can use another sender while sending the message example 'ONSMS'.

Beem::sms('Another message', $recipients, 'SENDER-NAME');

For scheduled SMS, you can use a datetime value or Carbon\Carbon instance, but make sure the timezone is GMT+0

$time = now()->addHours(10);

Beem::smsWithSchedule('Reminder message', $recipients, $time, 'SENDER-NAME');

You can also check the remaining SMS balance using


SMS Delivery Reports

If you have specified a callback URL in the account profile, you can use that route in any way.

Optionally, this package comes with:

  • A customizable callback route /beem/sms-delivery-report. The prefix can be changed using a .env value for BEEM_PATH. Once it is changed, the route becomes /{env-value}/sms-delivery-report (remember to update this callback on the vendor dashboard).

  • An event Beem\Laravel\Events\SmsDeliveryReportReceived to collect Beem's data once they are sent to the callback.

Collecting the delivery data

To use the event above, assign a listener in the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\SmsDeliveryReportReceived::class => [

After you create the listener class, you can use Beem's delivery report


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\SmsDeliveryReportReceived;

class ProcessDeliveryReport
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  SmsDeliveryReportReceived $event
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function handle(SmsDeliveryReportReceived $event)
        $requestId = $event->request['request_id'];
        $recipientId = $event->request['recipient_id'];
        $mobileNumber = $event->request['dest_addr'];
        $status = $event->request['status'];
        // After processing this report, send back an OK response to Beem
        return response()->json([]);

Fetching SMS sender names on your vendor account


New sender names can be requested through the API as well. Follow Beem guidelines on sender name formats

$name = 'BRYCEANDY';
$sampleMessage = 'A sample message';

Beem::requestSmsSenderName($name, $sampleMessage);

SMS templates

The following can be used to view all SMS templates for the vendor


New SMS templates can also be added:

$message = 'Have a nice day!';
$smsTitle = 'Greetings';

Beem::addSmsTemplate($message, $smsTitle);

SMS templates can be edited or deleted if you have their template_id

// Template IDs can be obtained from the call above - Beem::smsTemplates()->json()

Beem::editSmsTemplate($templateId, $message, $smsTitle);


Two-Way SMS

After requesting a number on the SMS dashboard, you will have to edit it to assign a callback URL.

You can use the given route in any way, but this package comes with:

  • A customizable callback route /beem/outbound-sms. The prefix can be changed using a .env value for BEEM_PATH. Once it is changed, the route becomes /{env-value}/outbound-sms.

  • An event Beem\Laravel\Events\TwoWaySmsCallbackReceived to collect Beem's data once they are sent to the callback.

Collecting the outbound sms data

Assign an event listener for the event above in the EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\TwoWaySmsCallbackReceived::class => [

Then after creating the listener, you can collect the sms data and send a reply


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\TwoWaySmsCallbackReceived;
use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

class ProcessOutboundSms
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  TwoWaySmsCallbackReceived $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(TwoWaySmsCallbackReceived $event)
        $from = $event->request['from'];
        $to = $event->request['to'];
        $text = $event->request['message']['text'];
        // After processing the received text, send a reply in your preferred way
        $recipients = [
                'recipient_id' => (string) 1,
                'dest_addr' => $from

        Beem::sms('Your order is being processed!', $recipients, $to);

2. Contacts

List all address books

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

Beem::addressBooks($name)->json(); // Search by address book name

Use the following to add a new address book

Beem::addAddressBook($name, $description);

Address books can be edited or deleted if you have their addressbook_id

// Obtain the address book IDs from - Beem::addressBooks();

Beem::editAddressBook($addressBookId, $name, $description);


List contacts of a specific address book. Optionally filter by first name, last name or mobile number

// $q values are either 'fname', 'lname', or 'mob_no'
Beem::contacts($addressBookId, $q)->json();

Adding a new contact to an address book requires a mobile number and, an array of address book IDs. Other fields are optional;

$addressBookIds = ['abcd123', '456efg'];
$mobileNumber = '255784123456';

Beem::addContact($addressBookIds, $mobileNumber);
Beem::addContact($addressBookIds, $mobileNumber, $firstName, $lastName, $title, $gender, $mobileNumber2, $email, $country, $city, $area, $birthDate);

// $title can be Mr./Mrs./Ms.
// $gender can be male, female
// $birthDate can be a datetime value or Carbon instance

Contacts can be edited by the contact_id. Other required fields are address book IDs and the mobile number.

// Contact IDs can be obtained from the previous method - Beem::contacts()

Beem::editContact($contactId, $addressBookIds, $mobileNumber, $firstName);
Beem::editContact($contactId, $addressBookIds, $mobileNumber, $firstName, $lastName, $title, $gender, $mobileNumber2, $email, $country, $city, $area, $birthDate);

Lastly, a contact can be deleted by specifying the contact_id and their addressbook_id

$contactId = ['4sgb9ddfgb'];
$addressBookIds = ['abcdefg', '123456'];

Beem::deleteContact($addressBookIds, $contactId);


In a USSD app, Beem will send data to the callback URL you have specified in the USSD dashboard.

This package comes with an optional implementation that provides:

  • A customizable route /beem/ussd-callback that defines the callback url. If you add a value for BEEM_PATH in the .env file, the path will now be /{env-value}/ussd-callback.

  • An event Beem\Laravel\Events\UssdCallbackReceived which can be used to process the data from beem

Collecting USSD callback data

Assign an event listener for the event above in the EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\UssdCallbackReceived::class => [

Then in the listener class ProcessUssdCallback, you can collect the data for processing


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\UssdCallbackReceived;

class ProcessUssdCallback
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  UssdCallbackReceived $event
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function handle(UssdCallbackReceived $event)
        $command = $event->request['command'];
        $msisdn = $event->request['msisdn'];
        $session_id = $event->request['session_id'];
        $operator = $event->request['operator'];
        $payload = $event->request['payload'];
        // After processing this data, send your custom response to Beem
        $sampleResponse = [
            'msisdn' => '2556730893370',
            'operator' => 'vodacom',
            'session_id' => '14545',
            'command' => 'initiate',
            'payload' => [
                'request_id' => 0,
                'request' => 'enter phone number',
        return response()->json($sampleResponse);

Checking the USSD balance

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;


4. Airtime

Start by sending airtime when you have sufficient funds on the airtime dashboard

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

$referenceId = 123456;

Beem::airtimeRecharge('255789123456', '1000.00', $referenceId);

Airtime callback success

If you have defined a callback URL in the airtime dashboard profile, Beem will send data once the transaction is completed.

Optionally, you can use a callback implementation of this package which provides:

  • A callback route /beem/airtime-callback, that can be customized by adding a BEEM_PATH value in the env file. Once you set this variable, your callback route becomes /{env-value}/airtime-callback (remember to change this on the profile).

  • An event Beem\Laravel\Events\AirtimeCallbackReceived that can be used to listen to all callbacks.

Collecting airtime callback data

Use the event above and assign a new listener in the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\AirtimeCallbackReceived::class => [

Then after creating the App\Listeners\ProcessAirtimeCallback class, fetch the callback data


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\AirtimeCallbackReceived;

class ProcessAirtimeCallback
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  AirtimeCallbackReceived $event
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function handle(AirtimeCallbackReceived $event)
        $code = $event->request['code'];
        $message = $event->request['message'];
        // After processing this data, send an OK response to Beem
        return response()->json([]);

Querying airtime transaction status

Check the status of a recharge request. Use the transaction_id obtained from the ->json() response of the request.

//$request = Beem::airtimeRecharge('255789123456', '1000.00', $referenceId)->json();


Checking the airtime balance

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;


5. Payment Collection

This package comes with another callback implementation for the payment collection. Available to you is:

  • The payment collection event Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCollectionReceived, which allows you to handle Bpay payments instantly.

  • A customizable callback route /beem/payment-collection. If you decide to use this callback implementation, remember to update the callback URL on dashboard the product.

Collecting payment collection callback data

Using the event above, create a listener to handle the callback and assign them in the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCollectionReceived::class => [

Then after creating the listener class App\Listeners\ProcessPaymentCollection, fetch the data you need


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCollectionReceived;

class ProcessPaymentCollection
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  PaymentCollectionReceived $event
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function handle(PaymentCollectionReceived $event)
        $transactionId = $event->request['transaction_id'];
        $amount = $event->request['amount_collected'];
        $subscriber = $event->request['subscriber_msisdn'];
        $network = $event->request['network_name'];
        $referenceNumber = $event->request['reference_number'];
        // After processing this data, send a response to Bpay 
        return response()->json([
            'transaction_id' => $transactionId,
            'successful' => true,

Checking the payment collection balance

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;


6. Payment Checkout

The package provides an eloquent functionality to handle Beem's payment checkout by redirection.

Collect the required data and use the redirect facade anywhere in your controller or classes;

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\BeemRedirect;

$amount = '2000';
$transactionId = '96f9cc09-afa0-40cf-928a-d7e2b27b2408';
$referenceNumber = 'SAMPLE-12345';

return BeemRedirect::checkout($amount, $transactionId, $referenceNumber);
// Or include the mobile number
// BeemRedirect::checkout($amount, $transactionId,$referenceNumber, '255798333444');
// Tip: always use a return statement, in order to send the user to the payment page

Payment checkout callback

This package comes with another callback implementation for the payment checkout. Available to you is:

  • The payment checkout event Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCheckoutCallbackReceived, which fires when payment checkout callbacks hit your callback URL.

  • A customizable callback route /beem/payment-checkout. If you decide to use this callback implementation, remember to update the callback URL on dashboard the product.

Collecting payment checkout callback data

Using the event above, create a listener and assign it in the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCheckoutCallbackReceived::class => [

Then after creating the listener class App\Listeners\ProcessPaymentCheckout, fetch the data you need


namespace App\Listeners;

use Beem\Laravel\Events\PaymentCheckoutCallbackReceived;

class ProcessPaymentCheckout
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  PaymentCheckoutCallbackReceived $event
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function handle(PaymentCheckoutCallbackReceived $event)
        $transactionId = $event->request['transactionId'];
        $amount = $event->request['amount'];
        $referenceNumber = $event->request['referenceNumber'];
        $status = $event->request['status'];
        // After processing this data, send a response to Bpay as follows
        $statusMessage = 'This payment has been completed';

        return response()->json(
            compact('amount', 'status', 'referenceNumber', 'statusMessage', 'transactionId')

7. Disbursements

To send payments by disbursements, use the facade with appropriate arguments

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

Beem::disburse($amount, $clientReferenceId, $accountNumber, $walletNumber, $walletCode);

// Optionally, specify the currency, the default is TZS
Beem::disburse($amount, $clientReferenceId, $accountNumber, $walletNumber, $walletCode, $currency);

8. OTP

To request a pin, you require the user's number and, the app ID that you created on the OTP dashboard.

use Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem;

Beem::requestOtp($appId, $phoneNumber)->json();

To verify that the user sent the correct PIN, you will send a pinID from the response of the request and, the PIN the user sent.

Beem::verifyOtp($pinId, $pin)->json();

Debugging Tips

To debug the Beem\Laravel\Facades\Beem facade

  • Use the ->json() method to fetch data of the response.

  • Use the boolean ->successful() method to see if the request was successful


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.