This project is the playbook configuration for Belief and Reason.
To build these documents you must have Antora installed. Antora.org → Docs, then follow the installation documentation.
Antora requires Nodejs:
Install NVM (Node Version manager) on your linux box:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
Source your bashrc to update terminal:
source ~/.bashrc`
Now install the Node.js LTS release. Alternatively, update an older verison of node on your system using the same command.
nvm install --lts
Enter this project directory and execute the following commands at your terminal:
node -e "fs.writeFileSync('package.json', '{}')" npm i -D -E @antora/[email protected] @antora/[email protected]