The API framework includes logging, lint testing, unit/integration testing, code coverage, swagger wrapped in a Docker container.
- Run echo command on terminal
- Adding two numbers together passed by user as parameters
- http://[URL]/
- http://[URL]/coverage/
- application/
- server.js
- Centeral API framework
- Logging
- Organize routes
- Swagger location
- Serve code coverage reports
- Listening port
- package.json
- Installs proper version of modules required by API
- Defines bash command aliases. ie Unit Testing/Coverage Report
- routes/
- Contains files which define endpoints
- functions/
- Define custom functions used by files in routes directory
- test/unit.js
- Unit testing
- swagger/api-docs.yml
- Swagger API documentation
- .eslintrc.yml
- Lint Testing
- Define rules linting should follow
- server.js
- Dockerfile
- Creates a base docker container for the api
- Docker and Git are installed locally
Remove any docker containers named node-api-template with the below command:
docker rm -f node-api-template
- -f - Force the removal
- node-api-template - Container name
On your command console, go to this repo and create the node-api-template container. Link the two containers and pass the environmental variables:
cd node-api-template
docker build -t template/node-api-template .
- -t template/node-api-template - Image tag name (namespace/name)
- . - Build from current directory
docker run --name node-api-template -d -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 -w /opt/application template/node-api-template
- --name node-api-template - Name of container
- -d - Run container in background (Detached)
- -p 8080:8080 - Binds the container port to the host port (containerPort:hostPort)
- -e PORT=8080 - Define environmental variables used by container (evironmentalVariable=value)
- -w /opt/application - Working directory in container
- template/node-api-template - Image name from build (namespace/name)
Verify the container is running with the following command:
docker ps -a
Manually Test the API (Use Swagger, PostMan, cURL, etc)
Unit Test w/ Coverage Report
docker exec -t node-api-template npm run-script test-cover
- -t - Allocate a pseudo-TTY
- node-api-template - Name of container
- npm run-script test-cover - Command to exec
Lint Test
docker exec -t node-api-template node_modules/.bin/eslint server.js functions routes
- -t - Allocate a pseudo-TTY
- node-api-template - Name of container
- node_modules/.bin/eslint - Lint script
- server.js functions routes - Files and directories to test
View Coverage Report
- localhost:8080/coverage/