I decided to put together a bunch of instructions on building a Kubernetes Cluster. Having built (and broke) many Kubernetes clusters over the past few years, I thought it would be useful to actually document the steps so that anyone wanting a simple set of instructions to follow can use these to quickly spin up a on-prem Kubernetes Cluster.
These instructions are not intended for Production Grade Kubernetes Clusters, as there are many examples of Enterprise / Production Grade Kubernetes Cluster providers e.g. Red Hat OpenShift, IBM Cloud Private, but they will help you build up a Kubernetes Cluster with an external or stacked etcd configuration for use within a non-production environment or as I've done, in my own "home lab" environment.
Any one with the passion (or just a bunch of free time) to build their own Kubernetes Cluster.
- Planning
- Load Balancer for Kubernetes API-Server
- Kubernetes
- Masters
- External or Stacked Etcd
- Create an Highly Available Kube-APIServer
- Workers
- Masters