A pipelines it's a simple step by step roles for make somethings better.
This file is a simple annotations for custom installation of basic environment for *cordova + cordova assets + extras*.
Important note: it's under costruction and based on personal use.
A simple flow for installation of ex asset for cordova
It's based on windows/linux workflow
install Java JDK (tested on windows) (under test in 2023) :
Gradle builder not support java major of v16 so... it's better to install: JDK v15 installer
get the latest JDK resource *not recommended -
SDK and tools:
download "Command line tools only" (it's on end of page) and copy it into "%ProgramFiles%\Android"
open cmd (administrator) and enter in foldercd %ProgramFiles%\Android\cmdline-tools\bin
and get list with sdkmanager --list, so digitsdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-NN"
(NN is latest number you can see)- install android studio
- copy Platform Tools into "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" (if not exist, make it)
- lounch android studio and finish all standard sdk steps (or bypass it and go on next step)
- install android SDK version and build tools from Android Studio:
- Open AS, click on "more actions">"SDKMANAGER"
- on left, find "Apparence">"System settings">"Android SDK"
- select on SDK PLATFORM TAB "Android 10 (api level 29)"
- select on SDK TOOLS TAB > "Android SDK Build Tools" > "30.0.3"
in windows: set JAVA_HOME / [article](https://tech.amikelive.com/node-533/how-to-install-java-sdk-on- windows/) (similar to step below)
- Right click Computer
- Click the properties
- Select Advanced System Settings
- Select Environment Variables:
- on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and
(put below all) on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add ANDROID_HOME and%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk
(put below all)- on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add JAVA_HOME and
(latest jdk have high risks of compatibility issue) on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add JRE_HOME and%ProgramFiles%\Android\Android Studio\jre
(put below all)- on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add _JAVA_OPTIONS and
or better:-Xmx4608m
(or more memory) - on SYSTEM VARIABLE click on PATH and add:
if necessary:%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\tools\emulator
- on SYSTEM VARIABLE click new and add ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and
- open terminal and verify
java -version
install gradle binary:
in linux:
get it on: gradle.org/install "Binary-only" and set it "Linux & MacOS users" on page open env with: Step 3. Configure your system environment -
in windows: gradle.org/install "Binary-only", rename folder in Grandle and copy it into "%ProgramFiles%\Gradle\bin" (or simple C: Grandle) and...
- on SYSTEM VARIABLE click on PATH and add "%ProgramFiles%\Gradle\bin"
- on terminal enter
cd %ProgramFiles%\Gradle\bin
and verifygradle -v
- on terminal enter
gradle help --scan
for all dep issue
ANDROID SDK ASSET (in windows) (under test):
/!\ NOT GET android 10 for retrocompatibility issue! Remain in 9 (the classic released in cordova installation) and...- download and open android studio;
- click arrow on "More Actions" > SDKManager (OR ALTERNATIVE: SKD):
- open android studio, go to "Android SDK", remove all SKD Platform and check only Android API 32 (Sv2) and Android9(Pie)
- now on SDK Tools tab remove all! and check only 3.0.3 version.
- test it in cleaned, new, cordova app with cordova build android; not recognized? cordova platform add [email protected] and readd the 9.1;
Install Node JS:
in windows:
- get NVM and after reboot if system run command:
::nvm install --lts
ornvm install latest
after install:
::nvm use --lts
ornvm use latest
or run Node Installer
- get NVM and after reboot if system run command:
Check node istallation:
$ node -v
check if NPM is installed:
$ npm -v
if not installer run command:
$npm install -g npm@latest
in linux:
find your distro command here, for Arch is:
$pacman -S nodejs npm
and nvm is in AUR
via Apple PC:
install X-CODE
Install NVM:
'$ ls -a and check if exist action profile ”zshrc”… if not: $ touch .zshrc'
'$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash'
'$ source .zshrc'
'$ nvm'
'$ nvm install node --lts'
'$ nvm use node'
'$ nvm -v && node -v && npm -vv' -
Install Cordova and connect it to xcode:
'$ num install cordova -g'
'$ xcode-select --install' -
Install brew and cocoa for iOS deploy:
'$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"'
'$ brew install ios-deploy'
'$ sudo gem install cocoapods' -
In your project, after install iOS platform, into platforms/iOS folder, you can find .xcodeproj and open it with Xcode by double click or command: '$ open ./platforms/ios/YOUR_APP_NAME.xcworkspace/'. I suggest a better way (prepare,update and open): '$ cordova prepare ios && open -a Xcode platforms/ios'
via virtual OS:
Although it's only for compiling, I would recommend an hackintosh on a dedicated partition due the poor performance of vm or Apple Pc, however...-
Follow Installation macos-virtualbox-installation-flow
Update system on latest version (BigSur1.1.3 or Monteray)
now install xcode via apple store
Sync in your VSCode or Atom and other (exemple your browser)
now install cordova on mac:
install node and npm https://treehouse.github.io/installation-guides/mac/node-mac.html
:: 'sudo npm install -g cordova'
... coming soon
Cordova first assets:
::npm i -g cordova
(or npm i -g [email protected] or 11.0.0 or other version)
see all warning of audit fix, if you can...
::npm audit fix
after repair all deprecated, check cordova
::npm cordova -v
first app:
in project folder run:
::cordova create MYPROJECT com.MYPROJECT HelloWorld
add platforms in your project:
::cordova platform add browser
::cordova platform add ios
::cordova platform add android
first adds:
note: in theory the_ "--save"_ is deprecated; if "-dev" not work try "--production=false";- install [browser sync 2](cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-browsersync-gen2) for --live-reload:
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-browsersync-gen2 --save-dev
rapid check... run cordova web server:
::cordova run --live-reload
in case of windows security stop: "impossible to execute a script PS1 in Powershell" open in admin mode powershell and the system32 folder. now write: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned other option: restricted (probably currently) unrestricted remotesigned (good fo server and cordova) allsigned (not raccomended)```
- install Policy Parse
::npm install csp-parse
- install Cordova Cache
::npm i cordova-plugin-cache
install cleartext-traffic
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-enable-cleartext-traffic
- install files
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
- install battery status
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
- install Plug-Device
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
- install Net Info
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
- install Globalization
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
- install Geo Localization
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
- install Vibration
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
- install Whitelist (probably you not need of this after cordova 10)
::cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
- install browser
:: `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser`` - install statusbar-settings
:: `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar`` - if you can:
- image comunication fix for android -> cleartext traffic 1 or cleartext traffic 2 or Stackoverflow discussion
- other possible:
- camera
- media capture
- make a splashscreen (not more raccomended)
- camera
- install [browser sync 2](cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-browsersync-gen2) for --live-reload:
open you project app folder and check config.xml and set basics inside similar to demo config.xml
for make all icons see cordova-icon:
::npm install cordova-icon -g
use cordova init for launch app and plugin... and so add statuts bar and system info
... waiting next ...
- ANDROID NEED IN cofing.xml
in widget declaration
- if you try to run a cordova commands (run, build, ecc) before add platforms from zero, Node don’t run that processes. The folder of node_modules need to be empty and refilled from scratch when you download process from hub.
- Sometimes modules have a problems, try: git rm -r --cached node_modules
- Other for distribution in App Store: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8_CGVL9INM