This API proxy demonstrates message logging to Loggly.
The objective of creating this repository to help Apigee developers to QuickStart with logging with Loggly.
- Apigee edge account
- Loggly Account
- Loggly Customer Token -
- postman (to run postman collection)
- NodeJS (for newman and apigeetool)
- newman (node JS module to execute tests on local machine)
- apigeetool (deploying this proxy to Apigee edge)
You can use either of the option mentioned below;
You can deploy this API proxy by calling this command.
apigeetool deployproxy -u {apigee_edge_account_email} -o {apigee_edge_org_name} -e {environment_name} -n {proxy_name} -d . --verbose --debug
apigeetool deployproxy -u [email protected] -o abccorp-nonprod -e test -n hello-world-loggly-logging -d . --verbose --debug
For more information about apigeetool
read here -
- Create a bundle zip file with below command;
zip -r apiproxy
- Upload it to apigee edge using proxy creation wizard. Make sure it is deployed before testing.
You can make some sample call to the API proxy;
curl -X GET \
{PROXY_END_POINT}/v1/hello-world-loggly-logging/json \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Set the proxy_endpoint
in tests/test.postman_environment.json file before executing the command below.
You can test this API proxy by calling this command.
newman run "tests/apiproxy.postman_collection.json" -e "tests/test.postman_environment.json"
are not avaiable in PostClientFlow, therefore with this example you can not capture request/response; however if it is a requirement, you can use Assign Message to capture request/response and store in a variable and use that variable in Message Logging. Just a small note, since PostClientFlow is executed after the response is sent to the API consumer, putting request/response with Assign Message will add some latency and might impact the performance of your API.