Install NodeJS in NodeJS Home
In Terminal, use
npm install
to setup Cypress and dependencies
In terminal, use
npm run test
ornpx cypress open
to start CYPRESS (:pray::pray:The first time start Cypess can error "Cypress verification timed out.",:fist_right::fist_right: try again, from second time Cypress open normal) -
In UI Cypress, choose [Running intergration tests] to start all test or Choose file .js in TestCase to start only test are selected.
In terminal, user
npx cypress run
to run all test with handle mode -
You can change brower in handle mode by using
npx cypress run --browser [brower name]
[with brower name is name brower(chrome, edge, firefox) installed in your system] or usingnpm run cypress:run:[brower name]
npx cypress run --brower chrome
ornpm run cypress:run:chrome
You can see them in Launching Browsers.
- In terminal, use
npx cypress run
to run all test case and create html report - You can see report by open file index in cypress/reports/
- In UI in HTML report Cypress:
you can see and apply HTML Report in HTMP Report CyPress.
- In Terminal, use
npm run cy:run
ornpx cypress run --env allure=true
to run all test and create Allure-results - In terminal, use
npm run posttest
ornpm run allure:report
to generate Allure-reports - In terminal, use
npm run allure:clear
to clear Allure exist in your System - UI of Allure report: you can see and apply Allure Report in Cypress in Cypress Allure Report.