The study question of this project is to identify the trends of suicide rates over years for 3 high-rate countries (Lithuania, Sri Lanka, Russian Federation), and compare the trends to that of the US. This project serves as a final project of the Spring 2019 FAES BIOF309 class.
The dataset is obtained from under "Suicide Rates Overview 1985 to 2016".
Detailed description of how the dataset is retrieved is described in the Notebook in the Project Contents folder.
The project aims to compare the suicide rate during years with available data of the United States and compare it to that of the 3 highest suicide rate countries.
Using techniques and resources learned in class over the semester, I:
- Identified a dataset (from Kaggle)
- Download dataset with Kaggle API
- Imported and cleaned data with Python (Pandas)
- Graph results using Seaborn package
- Made a. markdown document, b. Python Notebook, c. HTML Slides, d. Binder documentations of the results
- Upload all documentations to GitHub repository using PyCharm with version control features, as well as command line.
The contents, especially the notebook, is located in the "Project Contents" folder.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see