A simple console game in scala: A player move in a 2d board and fight against monsters.
Basically, you create a character and move around the board.
The goal of the game is to reach 15 scores.
There are different Monsters in the board e.g. Small and Big Monsters.
The power of Small monster is 6 (score) and the power of Big monster is 20 (score).
Winning against Small or Big monsters give you 4 and 10 scores respectively however, loosing costs 1 and 3 scores.
Use the bonus to get free score!
You can Save, Load the game anytime and also trace the path of your moves.
** How to use it:
(Install and configure SBT and SCALA in your machine if needed.)
Download the project:
git clone <Project>
Launch sbt and run program:
2.1: Full screen your terminal 2.2: cd scala-sbt-template 2.3: sbt run