Changelog generator for Git projects. The development is in alpha state and it is not yet clear if further features will be added.
This generator will find all releases based on
semantic version repository tags. It will then
start to associate Markdown .md
files with each release. Based on some
additional meta information specified in the change files, a complete
changelog will be generated.
If you don't want to manually write all changes in a single file and mess around with annoying merge conflicts or if you don't like to put all your changes in commit messages, then this might be the tool for you.
A change file is a Markdown .md
document. All change files should
be placed somewhere inside of the changelog
directory of the git
repository toplevel-root. All subdirectories will be scanned, so changes
can be organized e.g. by date directories.
Changes that are not ready for release should have the file suffix
and will be skipped in the changelog generation process,
if not defined otherwise.
The change metadata or configuration is described by a YAML Front Matter file header.
- The type of the changefeature
- Description of a new feature or enhancementchange
- Description of a change (e.g. in the API)deprecation
- Description of a deprecation warningdeactivation
- Description of a feature deactivationpatch
- Description of an issue that was resolvedsecurity
- Description of security enhancementstext
- An introductory text or a complete description of all changes
: Pins this change to the specified version tagprecedence
: The change with the highest precedence number will be shown first in its type category
type: enhancement
pin: v4.3.7
precedence: 10
Description of the enhancement
The output format is fixed for now, and cannot be changed. Maybe a templating engine will be added in a later version.
# X.Y.Z
All concatenated 'text' changes
## Features
* All 'feature' changes
* ...
## Changes
* All 'change' changes
* ...
## Deprecated
* All 'deprecation' changes
* ...
## Removed
* All 'deactivation' changes
* ...
## Patches
* All 'patch' or 'bugfix' changes
* ...
## Security
* All 'security' changes
* ...
# Predecessor of X.Y.Z
Node.js must be installed.
Go to a repository that does contain change files or execute the CLI tool with the path to the repository
node bin/changeloggen <repository_dir>
or install it
npm install -g @masinio/changeloggen
changeloggen <repository_dir>
A changelog will be printed on the console.