ActivityIndicatorButton is an implementation of the progress control used in the App Store app and several other Apple apps. However the style is inspired by Google's material design.
It is a drop in replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView that tracks touch input like a UIButton. It may be useful in the following scenarios
- Replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView
- Replacement for UIProgressView
- Replacement for UIButton with Google Material Design styling
- To create a similar interaction as start and stopping downloads in the App Store app.
pod 'JPCActivityIndicatorButton', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-2.0'
Copy ActivityIndicatorButton.swift into your project
This control may be used in Storyboard or programmically. It is IBDesignable so you can see a preview and edit its properties directly from interface builder. Just add a UIView and change its type to "ActivityIndicatorButton".
import JPCActivityIndicatorButton // Only if you use Pods or build as a module! (Which you should)
// ...
let button = ActivityIndicatorButton(frame: CGRectZero)
It defines instrincContentSize based on the size of the images. So like UIButton you don't need to define its width and height (unless you want to).
It inherits from UIControl so set touch events just like you would a UIButton.
The button consists of 4 components: progress bar, track, button, and image. Heres how the colors are applied.
The button supports two styles
- Solid (Material design inspired)
- Outline (Download button in App Store) = .Solid // or .Outline
The circular progress bar has 3 states:
- Inactive
- Spinning
- Percentage(value: Float)
You can directly set this by:
button.activityState.progressBarStyle = .Inactive // .Spinning or .Percentage(value: .2)
A given state may override the normal colors. However under normal operation you can set them directly. All these properties are IBInspectible.
button.tintColor = UIColor.blueColor()
button.normalTrackColor = UIColor.lightGreyColor()
button.normalForegroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
The image is placed in the center of the button. If it is set to render as a template it will be tinted based on the style of the button. For Solid style buttons the foregroundColor is used and for Outline buttons the tintColor is used. Both of the following APIs set the image for the current state. The "image" property is accessible from Storyboard.
button.activityState.image = UIImage(named: "tick")
// Or...
button.image = UIImage(named: "tick")
ActivityIndicatorButtonState is a struct containing the display properties for the button. You can create your own state struct and set it on the button. This gives more flexibility over directly changing the properties as described in the "Quick Setup" section. You can create multiple structs for different logic states of your button.
* This struct defines the current state of an ActivityIndicatorButton.
public struct ActivityIndicatorButtonState: Equatable {
/// An optional property to help identify this button. Does not effect rendering is any way. Must be set to use the "SavedStates" feature.
public let name: String?
/// If this is set it will override the tintColor property on the button.
public var tintColor: UIColor?
/// If this is set it will override the "normalTrackColor" property on the button.
public var trackColor: UIColor?
/// If this is set it will override the "normalforegroundColor" property on the button.
public var foregroundColor: UIColor?
/// Optionally provide an image for this state. It is centered in the button.
public var image: UIImage?
/// The activity state of the button.
/// :see: ActivityIndicatorButtonProgressBarStyle
public var progressBarStyle: ActivityIndicatorButtonProgressBarStyle
Default initializer. No properties are required. All have default values.
:param: name Default value is nil
:param: tintColor Default value is nil
:param: trackColor Default value is nil
:param: foregroundColor Default value is nil
:param: image Default value is nil
:param: progressBarStyle Default value is .Inactive
public init(name: String? = nil, tintColor: UIColor? = nil, trackColor: UIColor? = nil, foregroundColor: UIColor? = nil, image: UIImage? = nil, progressBarStyle: ActivityIndicatorButtonProgressBarStyle = .Inactive) { = name
self.tintColor = tintColor
self.trackColor = trackColor
self.foregroundColor = foregroundColor
self.image = image
self.progressBarStyle = progressBarStyle
Convenience function to set the progressBarStyle to .Percentage(value: value)
public mutating func setProgress(value: Float) {
self.progressBarStyle = .Percentage(value: value)
The current state is accessible on the button with this property:
public var activityState: ActivityIndicatorButtonState
The activityState determines the following color properties. All of which are treated as override for normal values. For example is tintColor is nil the tintColor property on UIView is used. This allows you to create states such as a completed or errored with a different tint. The diagram below shows how each of the colors in applied.
- tintColor
- trackColor
- foregroundColor
The image that will be displayed for the progress state
- image
The progress bar for this state
- progressBarStyle
The saved states feature is a handy way to manage buttons with multiple states. This is how the example projest is designed. These following APIs allow for you to easily create, store, and set states
public var savedStatesCount: Int
// Access a saved state by name or change the value of a saved state. Setting to nil removes the state.
public subscript (name: String) -> ActivityIndicatorButtonState?
// Saves an array of state. The name property MUST be set. Does not remove existing states
public func saveStates(states: [ActivityIndicatorButtonState])
// Change the activityState to one of the saved states
public func transitionSavedState(name: String, animated: Bool = true) -> Bool
Since we are using Value Types we don't have to worry about changing the activityState value after setting a stored state. Since it is not passed by reference all saved states are unaffected.
Here's an example setup
// Create names for easy reference
struct Names {
static let Inactive = "Inactive", Spinning = "Spinning", ProgressBar = "Progress Bar", Paused = "Paused", Complete = "Complete", Error = "Error"
// Create our states
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.Inactive, image: UIImage(named: "inactive")),
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.Spinning, progressBarStyle: .Spinning),
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.ProgressBar, image: UIImage(named: "pause"), progressBarStyle: .Percentage(value: 0)),
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.Paused, image: UIImage(named: "play"), progressBarStyle: .Percentage(value: 0)),
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.Complete, tintColor: UIColor(red:0.0, green:0.78, blue:0.33, alpha:1.0), image: UIImage(named: "complete")),
ActivityIndicatorButtonState(name: Names.Error, tintColor: UIColor(red:0.84, green:0.0, blue:0.0, alpha:1.0), image: UIImage(named: "error"))
// Change a value in one of our states
// Set a saved state
When tapped the activity button creates a ripple animation and bounces the button. That effect can be adjusted or turned off. All these properties are accessible in Storyboard.
/// The distance past the edge of the button which the ripple animation will propagate on touch up and touch down
button.hitAnimationDistance = 5
/// The duration of the ripple hit animation
button.hitAnimationDuration = 0.5
/// The color of the touch down and touch up ripple animation
button.hitAnimationColor = UIColor.grayColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.5) // Set to UIColor.clearColor() to remove the animation
To edit shadow...
button.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor() // Set to UIColor.clearColor() to remove