Release v2.2.0
- Fixed an exception raised when form_group block returns nil (#111)
- Fixed an exception on human_attribute_name when using bootstrap_form_tag (#115)
- Set offset in form_group without label in horizontal layout (#94, @datWav)
- Fixes an offset bug in form_group without a given label in horizontal layout (#130, @datWav)
- Fixed bug where collection_check_boxes doesn't work if all are unchecked (#116, @burnt43)
- Added the ability to append/prepend buttons (@retoo)
- Added support for time_zone_select
- Accept multiple values, and objects as well, on
checked option (#114) - Added support for hidding attribute name in errors_on helper (@datWav)
- Added support for additional class to the wrapper form_group by a field (@datWav)
- Support showing error summaries when inline_errors is enabled (@rosswilson)
- Name is now optional when creating static controls
- Keep original form helper methods with _without_bootstrap suffix (#123, @a2ikm)
- Added glyphicon support
- Added i18n support for help messages (#122, @huynhquancam)
- Added the ability to pass any attributes to wrapper (#136, @atipugin)
- Split monolithic test file into several smaller files (#141, @spacewander)
- Added role="form" attribute to forms (#142, @spacewander)