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Take a look at our website for more info and the date of the next #bowlingJS: http://bowlingjs.github.io 🎳
BowlingJS is an informal group of developers and techies who like to meet up monthly and throw bowling balls at pins whilst discussing code, hipster tech and community.
Likely discussion topics are: functional programming, compile to JavaScript languages, es6, promises and iojs... alongside more important things like where to get the best coffee.
- Elephant & Castle: http://www.palacesuperbowl.com/
- Bricklane: http://www.allstarlanes.co.uk/venues/brick-lane/bowling
- Holborn: http://www.allstarlanes.co.uk/venues/holborn/bowling http://www.allstarlanes.co.uk/event/groundhog-monday/
##Want to Start Your own BowlingJS? You totally should.
The bowlingJS logo was created by @_alanshaw and is open source. Order your stickers and get started!
Drop us a line on Twitter (@bowlingjs) if you have any questions. 🎳