Releases: brainiak/rt-cloud
Releases · brainiak/rt-cloud
Template Project / Revamped Readme (rtFIN)
Major changes made in time for rtFIN2022 conference:
- Template project meant to be used as a template for users to wrap their own projects--heavily commented and walks user through implementing the Mennen et al. 2021 pipeline with BIDS Incrementals and support for OpenNeuro replay
- Separate instructions for Docker vs local conda environment
- Installation instructions and template project tutorial linked together to demonstrate RT-Cloud usage
- Install instructions now correctly account for different operating systems, with caveats for Mac M1s + Windows
- Components have been renamed (data_analyser, data_streamer, analysis_listener) to improve clarity. The corresponding shell scripts have been renamed as well but the original files are untouched so previous users do not need to modify anything; the renamed shell scripts are identical to the original shell scripts aside from the filename.
- New picture depicting the communication of RT-Cloud components in Readme
- Quickstart Docker demo to very quickly get a user to test out the sample project in one line of code
- setResultsDict now conveniently outputs jsons to a default folder (this is demonstrated in the template project)
- More specific instructions now provided in the run-in-docker markdown file
- Replaying OpenNeuro section directs user to try to implement changes to the template project which is built to accommodate such Replay
- New section: Sharing your RT-Cloud pipeline as a Docker image
Add BIDS and OpenNeuro
This release adds support for:
- Using BIDS to send and analyze data. The BIDS-Incremental is introduced to convert DICOM images to BIDS format and send across the network.
- Replaying data from the OpenNeuro repository.
- Using JsPsych for subject feedback.
Release with an RPC client interface for use by experiment scripts
Add RPC communication (Remote Procedure Call) between experiment script and the projectInterface
Separate http handlers into module
Separate webSocketHandlers logic into a separate file
Add verbose flag to sample project script
Add ability to run experiment scripts without a projectInterface running and to run experiments from any directory
Rename and class. Change getDicomFileName to use tags SCAN and TR.
Update release with feedback receiver and improved sample projects
This release
- updates the sample and amygActivation sample projects
- adds a feedback receiver for sending classification results
- adds functions to download and upload folders to/from the cloud
- improves plotting functions
Initial Release with Docker Image
Initiatial framework release with corresponding Docker Image of same version, brainiak/rtcloud:1.0