The BridgeDb Webservice provides a REST service to access identifier mapping data. It uses the BridgeDb Java library and RESTlet technologies to make the webservice available. There is a BridgeDb Docker available for easy use.
A jar with all dependencies is created with the following command:
mvn clean package
BridgeDb ID mapping databases are found on this website.
The location of the downloaded files is needed for the below described gdb.config
Because when embedding Derby in the BridgeDb Server jar makes them impossible to find, you still need them locally. Copy the Derby jars (derbyclient.jar) to this folder.
The service can be run with (only HTTP is supported):
Run the server at a different port with:
sh -p 8082
This will look for a local gdb.config
file that has a tab-separated values content, linking species
to BridgeDb Derby files, for example:
Human /path/to/databases/Hs_Derby_Ensembl_105.bridge
Test the service by asking for the properties of a species for which you downloaded ID mapping databases, e.g. http://localhost:8183/Human/properties