A little tool for building xrv9k virtual router topologies on KVM, without the need for orchestrators like Openstack
hardware/OS requirements:
- ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04
- CPU, memory, and disk requirements will depend on number of routers. a 5 router topology would require 10 vCPU, 70GB of memory, and 250GB disk
- the datasheet says to deploy xrv9k with 4 vCPU and 16G of memory per VM. I've run them very stably with 2 vCPU and 14G of memory.
required packages:
- openssh-server qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin openvswitch-switch
- optional: virt-manager
clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/brmcdoug/xrv9kvm.git
- mkdir /opt/images/
- download xrv9k tarball from CCO (the non-RR one is fine) and move it into /opt/images
- untar and create kvm .img files from the qcow2. Examples:
qemu-img create -b xrv9k-fullk9-x-7.3.1.qcow2 -f qcow2 r01.img
qemu-img create -b xrv9k-fullk9-x-7.3.1.qcow2 -f qcow2 r02.img
qemu-img create -b xrv9k-fullk9-x-7.3.1.qcow2 -f qcow2 r17.img
- create or edit the example "start_node.py" file which maps your router VM interfaces to OVS bridge and vlan instances.
(yes, this is super hard-codey, but remember no Openstack required)
- create OVS bridges and linux IP addrs
sudo chmod 755 ovs_plumbing.sh
sudo ./ovs_plumbing.sh
# shell script comes with default settings for router mgt and "production" bridges and IP addrs. please edit to suit your env
- start nodes
sudo chmod 755 start_node.py
sudo ./start_node.py r01
sudo ./start_node.py r02
sudo ./start_node.py r17
- access router VM's console port and see if they're booting (fingers crossed)
telnet 0 20010
telnet 0 20020
telnet 0 20170
- they take a long time to boot
- more than enough time to make a fresh pot of coffee or a sandwich
- configure routers