The goal of project is apply segmentation of objects around the ego motion car and as a result detect obstacles around it using LiDAR data. In this project, the following tasks were completed:
- Implementation of customized 3D Ransac
- Implementation of KDTree
- Implementation of pre-processing cloud pipeline
$> sudo apt install libpcl-dev
$> cd ~
$> git clone
$> cd SFND_Lidar_Obstacle_Detection
$> mkdir build && cd build
$> cmake ..
$> make
$> ./environment
- install homebrew
- update homebrew
$> brew update
- add homebrew science tap
$> brew tap brewsci/science
- view pcl install options
$> brew options pcl
- install PCL
$> brew install pcl
NOTE: very old version
This project was cloned from Udacity Lidar obstacle detection in the context of Sensor Fusion Engineer nanodegree.