building the engines $> mvn clean install
starting the GW with osgi console
uncomment the osgi.console=
in GW_HOME/conf/osgi/
installing an engine (eg: echo-engine)
osgi> install file:/home/senduran/projects/se1/gw-sample-engines/echo-engine/target/echo-engine-1.0.0.jar
once installed you will get the Bundle id (eg: 48)
starting the Bundle
osgi> start 48
inding the default camel based engine's bundleid
osgi> ss
find the bundle id for org.wso2.carbon.gateway_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
36 ACTIVE org.wso2.carbon.gateway_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
stopping the default camel based engine
osgi> stop 36
now the request is routed to echo engine
sample request for passthrough engines (the back-end is hardcoded to the sample axis2 engine's SimpleStockQuote service)
curl -d @req.xml http://localhost:9090/ -H "soapAction:getSimpleQuote" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -v
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://services.samples">