A Discord BTC bot for listing price in various currencies and assets
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a new file named .env in the same directory as btcbot.py with the following contents:
BOT_PREFIX=character-that-calls-bot, ex: !
IMAGEONLY_CHANNEL=your-channel-name-for-images-only (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_IMAGEONLY=0)
ENABLE_BLACKLIST=0 or 1, 1 is enabled. Enables word blacklist
ENABLE_IMAGEONLY=0 or 1, 1 is enabled. Enables Image only enforcement in image channel
ENABLE_REPORTS=0 or 1, 1 is enabled. Enables user reports to report channel
ENABLE_EASTER_EGG=0 or 1, 1 is enabled. Enables posting of easter egg messages when triggered.
EASTER_EGG_TRIGGER=keyword that triggers easter egg. (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_EASTER_EGG=0)
EASTER_EGG=Secret message to be played by bot when easter egg triggers (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_EASTER_EGG=0)
ENABLE_ANTI_BOT=0 or 1, 1 is enabled. Enables anti-bot captcha and permissioned joining and role management. Users will need to complete a DM exchange with the bot to be pplied a role which gives them permissions to use discord.
ANTI_BOT_SERVER_ID=Server on which to enable anti bot
NEW_USER_MSG=Hello welcome to the server (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_ANTI_BOT=0)
SALT1=a 2-5 digit numerical salt (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_ANTI_BOT=0)
SALT2=a 5-9 digit numerical salt (OPTIONAL if ENABLE_ANTI_BOT=0)
ERROR=An error message to return when the bot doesnt understand a DM. ex: Sorry, I didn't understand that.
USER_ROLE=the role name of the role to apply to new users who complete anti-bot verification
MOD_ROLE=the role name for mods of the server
ENABLE_BAN_PATTERN=1 or 0 to enable or disable ban patterns
BAN_PATTERN=regex pattern array matching auto-banned users
python btcbot.py