DiscordGo v0.17.0
Special Thanks To
- https://github.com/iopred
- https://github.com/jonas747
- https://github.com/GinjaNinja32
- https://github.com/jD91mZM2
- https://github.com/Necroforger
- https://github.com/ammario
- https://github.com/nhooyr
- https://github.com/blackhole12
- https://github.com/tsudoko
- https://github.com/CarsonHoffman
- https://github.com/robbix1206
- https://github.com/Wubsy
- https://github.com/kebolio
- https://github.com/zet4
for all the help and contributions to the project! You are all very very appreciated.
- ContentWithMentionReplaced on roles and nicks (#375)
- Added function AvatarURL(size string) string that returns a URL to the user's avatar (#388)
- Add and fix support for multiple file uploads via ChannelMessageSendComplex via the new field MessageSend.Files (#391)
- Add heartbeat ACK response and error handling (Op11, Op7) (#396)
- Hardcoded reactions ratelimit because Discord gives incorrect value in headers. (#398)
- Add function GuildMemberDeleteWithReason(guildID, userID, reason string) (#399)
- remove runtime.LockOSThread call from opusSender (#404)
- gracefully handle the possibility of a race condition attempting to reconnect twice (#407)
- Updated to gateway v6 (#410)
- Add memberMap to State to speed up member queries (#411)
- Added function MessageReactionsRemoveAll(channelID, messageID string) that deletes all reactions from a message (#414)
- Add option for calling event handlers sync or async (#416)
- Export State.OnInterface (#417)
- Add error code constants (#418)
- Add NSFW channel field (#419)
Bug Fixes
- Email/Password are omitted if empty on UserUpdate (#383)
- Fix goroutine leak in opusReceiver (#393)
- Fix presence update after breaking API change (#427)
- Fix receiving voice after client sets extended header bit (#428)
- Fix an issue causing WebhookDelete to always return an error (#429, #432)
- Fix an issue with session GuildCreate using incompatible endpoint (#437, #439, fd8721a,