DiscordGo v0.18.0
Special Thanks To
- https://github.com/iopred
- https://github.com/blackhole12
- https://github.com/jD91mZM2
- https://github.com/jcmdln
- https://github.com/therealfakemoot
- https://github.com/darkgray1981
- https://github.com/robbix1206
- https://github.com/Seklfreak
- https://github.com/zet4
- https://github.com/Necroforger
- https://github.com/Wubsy
- https://github.com/CarsonHoffman
- https://github.com/MaxBosse
- https://github.com/Ikkerens
- https://github.com/SilverCory
- https://github.com/NamedKitten
- https://github.com/sn0w
- https://github.com/vim2meta
- https://github.com/MrJohnCoder
- https://github.com/psheets
- https://github.com/andersfylling
- https://github.com/njhanley
for all the help and contributions to this project - leading to this release! You are all very appreciated!
- Session.Open() now validates the connection is successful and reports errors when it is not. (#198)
- Added rate limit buffering support (#430)
- Added GameType (#435)
- Added ParentID to Channel struct (#448, #447)
- Switch to new Bulk Delete endpoint (#320, #451)
- Members from GuildMembersChunk are now added to state (#456)
- Implemented raw sending of status (Rich Presence and Online Status) (#462)
- Add support for custom logging behavior. (#465)
- Allow size parameter to be omitted in User.AvatarURL (#468)
- Added the unique field to the invite struct (#487)
- Added ChannelEditComplex (#493)
- Added support for animated emojis (#496)
- Remove a misspelled copy of EndpointGuildInvites. (#440, #441)
- Fixed Channel struct's JSON tag for Recipients (#444, #443)
- Fixed GuildCreate using incompatible endpoint (#437, #452)
- Use v.log rather than log for consistency (#464)
- Fix typos :) (#466, #482, #486)
- Remove XKCDPass Invites (#477, #477)
- Fixed TimeStamps unmarshalling (#474, #470)
- Properly return on errors in GuildRoleEdit and GuildPruneCount (b58212a)