A Pocketmine plugin to help staff
A useful UI to help staff do there job. Control any aspect of the game in a ui.
- Step 1: Download TempBanUI.phar
- Step 2: Put it on your plugins folder
- Step 3: Download FormAPI.phar
- Step 4: Put it on your plugins folder
- Step 5: Restart your server
- ✔️ Fully Customizable Staff Mode
- ✔️ Inventory Saving When Entering Staff Mode
- ✔️ Custom Vanish System
- ✔️ Toggleable Staff Chat
- ✔️ Freeze Module with GUI & File Logging (data.yml)
- ✔️ Random Teleport (won't teleport to other staff)
- ✔️ Chat Modules (Clearing and Muting Chat)
- ✔️ Customizable Staff Join/Quit Messages
- ✔️ Examine Player Inventories
- ✔️ Requests GUI
- ✔️ Reports GUI
- ✔️ StaffList GUI
- ✘ Xray GUI (Done but needs to be added)
- ✘ CPS Checker (Done but needs to be added)
- ✘ AntiCaps (50% Done)
- ✘ AntiCurse (75% Done)
Open the gui | staff.command |
Change Gamemode | pocketmine.command.gamemode |
Kick Players | pocketmine.command.kick |
TP to Players | pocketmine.command.teleport |
Ban command | pocketmine.command.ban |
Ban Players | pocketmine.command.ban.player |
Ban IP | pocketmine.command.ban.ip |
Unban command | pocketmine.command.unban |
Unban Players | pocketmine.command.unban.player |
Unban IP | pocketmine.command.unban.ip |
Vanish | blazinvanish.command |
Tempban | use.tban |
BanCheck | use.tcheck |
Required: See wiki