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update to Lean 4.9 (#421)
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Signed-off-by: Craig Disselkoen <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
cdisselkoen authored Aug 22, 2024
1 parent e6a3dbf commit e3febe2
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Showing 14 changed files with 72 additions and 65 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Spec/Ext/IPAddr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ abbrev IPv4Prefix := IPNetPrefix V4_WIDTH
abbrev IPv6Prefix := IPNetPrefix V6_WIDTH

def IPNetPrefix.ofNat (w : Nat) (pre : Nat) : IPNetPrefix w :=
if pre < ADDR_SIZE w then .some pre#w else .none
if pre < ADDR_SIZE w then .some pre else .none

def IPNetPrefix.toNat {w} : IPNetPrefix w → Nat
| .none => ADDR_SIZE w
Expand All @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def CIDR.subnetWidth {w} (cidr : CIDR w) : BitVec (ADDR_SIZE w) :=
let n := ADDR_SIZE w
match cidr.pre with
| .none => 0#n
| .some prefixSize => n#n - (prefixSize.zeroExtend n)
| .some prefixSize => n - (prefixSize.zeroExtend n)

def CIDR.range {w} (cidr : CIDR w) : (IPNetAddr w) × (IPNetAddr w) :=
let n := ADDR_SIZE w
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ private def parseNumV4 (str : String) : Option (BitVec 8) :=
if 0 < len && len ≤ 3 && (str.startsWith "0" → str = "0")
then do
let n ← str.toNat?
if n ≤ 0xff then .some n#8 else .none
if n ≤ 0xff then .some n else .none
else .none

private def parseSegsV4 (str : String) : Option IPv4Addr :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ private def parseNumV6 (str : String) : Option (BitVec 16) :=
if 0 < len && len ≤ 4 && str.all isHexDigit
let n := str.foldl (fun n c => n * 16 + toHexNat c) 0
if n ≤ 0xffff then .some n#16 else .none
if n ≤ 0xffff then .some n else .none
else .none

private def parseNumSegsV6 (str : String) : Option (List (BitVec 16)) :=
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Data/Control.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ notation together with `Except` and `Option`.
(bind Option.none f : Option β) = Option.none
:= by rfl

theorem do_some {opt : Option α} {f : α → β} :
(do let v ← opt ; some (f v)) = some b ↔
∃ a, opt = some a ∧ f a = b
:= by cases opt <;> simp

theorem do_error {res : Except ε α} {e : ε} {f : α → β} :
(do let v ← res ; .ok (f v)) = .error e ↔
res = .error e
Expand Down
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Data/List/Canonical.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ theorem insertCanonical_sortedBy [LT β] [StrictLT β] [DecidableLT β] {f : α
split <;> rename_i h₂
· exact SortedBy.cons_cons h₂ h₁
· split
case inl h₃ =>
case isTrue h₃ =>
cases h₁
case cons_nil =>
apply SortedBy.cons_cons h₃
Expand All @@ -79,12 +79,11 @@ theorem insertCanonical_sortedBy [LT β] [StrictLT β] [DecidableLT β] {f : α
case cons_nil => exact SortedBy.cons_nil
case cons_cons z zs h₉ h₁₀ =>
exact SortedBy.cons_cons (by simp [h₈, h₁₀]) h₉
case inr h₃ =>
case isFalse h₃ =>
have h₄ := StrictLT.if_not_lt_gt_then_eq (f x) (f hd) h₂ h₃
cases h₁
case cons_nil => exact SortedBy.cons_nil
case cons_cons h₅ h₆ =>
exact SortedBy.cons_cons (by simp only [h₄, h₆]) h₅
case cons_cons h₅ h₆ => exact SortedBy.cons_cons (by simp only [h₄, h₆]) h₅

theorem insertCanonical_cases [LT β] [DecidableLT β] (f : α → β) (x y : α) (ys : List α) :
(f x < f y ∧ insertCanonical f x (y :: ys) = x :: y :: ys) ∨
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,14 +126,14 @@ theorem insertCanonical_equiv [LT α] [StrictLT α] [DecidableLT α] (x : α) (x
case cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [id_eq, gt_iff_lt]
case inl => exact Equiv.refl
case inr _ _ h₁ =>
case isTrue => exact Equiv.refl
case isFalse h₁ =>
case inr _ _ h₂ =>
case isFalse h₂ =>
have h₃ := StrictLT.if_not_lt_gt_then_eq x hd h₁ h₂
subst h₃
exact dup_head_equiv x tl
case inl _ _ h₂ =>
case isTrue h₂ =>
cases tl
case nil =>
simp only [insertCanonical_singleton id x]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Data/Map.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ theorem mapMOnValues_some_wf_alt_proof [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [StrictLT α] {f
:= by
simp only [wf_iff_sorted, toList]
intro wf h₁
simp [mapMOnValues] at h₁
simp only [mapMOnValues, Option.pure_def, do_some] at h₁
replace ⟨xs, h₁, h₂⟩ := h₁
subst h₂
simp [kvs]
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/And.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ theorem type_of_and_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : En
rename_i res₂
split at h₁ <;> simp at h₁ <;>
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h₁ <;> subst hty hc
case inr.ok.h_1 hty₂ =>
case isFalse.ok.h_1 hty₂ =>
exists BoolType.ff, res₂.snd ; simp [←hty₂]
case inr.ok.h_2 hty₂ =>
case isFalse.ok.h_2 hty₂ =>
exists, res₂.snd ; simp [←hty₂, hc₁]
cases bty₁ <;> simp at h₃ <;> simp [lubBool]
case inr.ok.h_3 bty₂ h₄ h₅ hty₂ =>
case isFalse.ok.h_3 bty₂ h₄ h₅ hty₂ =>
exists BoolType.anyBool, res₂.snd
cases bty₂ <;> simp at *
simp [←hty₂, hc₁, lubBool]
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
have ⟨b₁, hb₁⟩ := instance_of_bool_is_bool ih₁₃
subst hb₁
split at h₅
case inl h₆ =>
case isTrue h₆ =>
subst h₆
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h₅
subst hty hc
Expand All @@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₁₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool] <;>
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool BoolType.ff)
exact false_is_instance_of_ff
case inr h₆ =>
case isFalse h₆ =>
have ⟨bty₂, rc₂, hₜ, h₇⟩ := h₅
split at h₇ <;> have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h₇ <;> subst hty hc
case inl h₈ =>
case isTrue h₈ =>
subst h₈
apply And.intro empty_guarded_capabilities_invariant
exists false ; simp [false_is_instance_of_ff]
Expand All @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
have h₈ := instance_of_ff_is_false ih₂₃
subst h₈
simp [CoeT.coe, CoeHTCT.coe, CoeHTC.coe, CoeOTC.coe, CoeTC.coe, Coe.coe]
case inr h₈ =>
case isFalse h₈ =>
cases b₁
case false =>
rcases ih₁₂ with ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ <;>
Expand Down
37 changes: 20 additions & 17 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/BinaryApp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ theorem type_of_eq_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env :
split at hty
case h_1 =>
split at hty <;> subst hty
case inl heq _ _ =>
case isTrue heq _ _ =>
subst heq
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate, apply₂]
exact true_is_instance_of_tt
case inr p₁ p₂ heq _ _ =>
case isFalse p₁ p₂ heq _ _ =>
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate, apply₂]
cases h₃ : Value.prim p₁ == Value.prim p₂ <;>
simp only [beq_iff_eq, beq_eq_false_iff_ne, ne_eq, Value.prim.injEq] at h₃
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,31 +432,34 @@ theorem actionUID?_some_implies_action_lit {x : Expr} {euid : EntityUID} {acts :
replace h₂ := entityUID?_some_implies_entity_lit h₂
rename_i euid'
replace ⟨h₀, h₁⟩ := h₁
subst h₀
simp [h, h₂]
subst euid'
simp [h, h₂]

theorem entityUIDs?_some_implies_entity_lits {x : Expr} {euids : List EntityUID}
(h₁ : entityUIDs? x = some euids) :
x = Expr.set (( (Expr.lit ∘ Prim.entityUID) euids))
:= by
simp [entityUIDs?] at h₁
split at h₁ <;> try simp at h₁
rw [←List.mapM'_eq_mapM] at h₁ ; rename_i xs
rename_i xs
simp [List.mapM_some_iff_forall₂] at *
cases euids
case nil =>
cases hxs : xs <;> subst xs <;> simp at *
cases xs <;> simp only [List.Forall₂.nil, List.map_nil] at *
case cons hd tl => simp only [List.forall₂_nil_right_iff] at h₁
case cons hd tl =>
cases hxs : xs <;> subst xs <;> simp [pure, Except.pure] at *
rename_i hd' tl'
cases h₂ : entityUID? hd' <;> simp [h₂] at h₁
cases h₃ : List.mapM' entityUID? tl' <;> simp [h₃] at h₁
have ⟨hhd, htl⟩ := h₁ ; clear h₁ ; rw [eq_comm] at hhd htl ; subst hhd htl
replace h₂ := entityUID?_some_implies_entity_lit h₂
simp [h₂]
rw [List.mapM'_eq_mapM] at h₃
have h₄ := @entityUIDs?_some_implies_entity_lits (.set tl') tl
simp [entityUIDs?, h₃] at h₄
exact h₄
cases xs <;> simp [pure, Except.pure] at *
case nil => simp only [List.forall₂_nil_left_iff] at h₁
case cons hd' tl' =>
cases h₂ : entityUID? hd' <;> simp [h₂] at h₁
replace ⟨h₁', h₁⟩ := h₁
replace h₂ := entityUID?_some_implies_entity_lit h₂
subst hd hd'
simp only [true_and]
have h₄ := @entityUIDs?_some_implies_entity_lits (.set tl') tl
simp [entityUIDs?] at h₄
apply h₄ ; clear h₄
simp only [List.mapM_some_iff_forall₂, h₁]

theorem entity_type_in_false_implies_inₑ_false {euid₁ euid₂ : EntityUID} {env : Environment} {entities : Entities}
(h₁ : InstanceOfEntitySchema entities env.ets)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/HasAttr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ theorem type_of_hasAttr_is_sound_for_records {x₁ : Expr} {a : Attr} {c₁ c₁
cases h₆ : (Map.contains r a) <;> simp
rename_i h₇ _
cases h₇
case inl.h₁.false.inl _ h₇ =>
case isTrue.h₁.false.inl _ h₇ =>
simp [CapabilitiesInvariant] at h₁
specialize h₁ x₁ a h₇
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate, h₄, hasAttr, attrsOf, h₆] at h₁
case inl.h₁.false.inr h₇ _ h₈ =>
case isTrue.h₁.false.inr h₇ _ h₈ =>
simp [Qualified.isRequired] at h₈
split at h₈ <;> simp at h₈
have h₉ := required_attribute_is_present h₅ h₇
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/LUB.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ theorem lub_comm {ty₁ ty₂ : CedarType} :
case h_4 =>
rename_i h₁ h₂ h₃
split <;> split <;> rename_i h₄
case inl.h_4 | inr.h_4 =>
case isTrue.h_4 | isFalse.h_4 =>
rename_i _ _ h₅ _ _ _ _
rw [eq_comm] at h₅
simp [h₅]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ theorem lub_trans {ty₁ ty₂ ty₃ : CedarType} :
simp [h₅]
case h_4 =>
case inl h₃ => simp [h₃]
case inr h₃ h₄ h₅ h₆ =>
case isTrue h₃ => simp [h₃]
case isFalse h₃ h₄ h₅ h₆ =>
unfold lub? at h₁ h₂
cases ty₁ <;> cases ty₂ <;> simp at h₁ <;>
cases ty₃ <;> simp at h₂ <;> simp at h₆
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/Or.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ theorem type_of_or_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env :
have ⟨ih₁₁, v₁, ih₁₂, ih₁₃⟩ := ih₁
have ⟨b₁, hb₁⟩ := instance_of_bool_is_bool ih₁₃ ; subst hb₁
split at h₅
case inl h₆ =>
case isTrue h₆ =>
subst h₆
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h₅ ; subst hty hc
apply And.intro empty_guarded_capabilities_invariant
Expand All @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ theorem type_of_or_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env :
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₁₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool] <;>
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool
exact true_is_instance_of_tt
case inr =>
case isFalse =>
have ⟨bty₂, rc₂, h₅', h₇⟩ := h₅
specialize ih₂ h₁ h₂ h₅'
have ⟨ih₂₁, v₂, ih₂₂, ih₂₃⟩ := ih₂
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions cedar-lean/UnitTest/Decimal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ namespace UnitTest.Decimal

open Cedar.Spec.Ext.Decimal

theorem test1 : toString ((parse "3.14").get!) = "3.1400" := by decide
theorem test2 : toString ((parse "11.0003").get!) = "11.0003" := by decide
theorem test3 : toString ((parse "11.003").get!) = "11.0030" := by decide
theorem test4 : toString ((parse "11.3000").get!) = "11.3000" := by decide
theorem test5 : toString ((parse "123.0").get!) = "123.0000" := by decide
theorem test6 : toString ((parse "-123.0").get!) = "-123.0000" := by decide
theorem test7 : toString ((parse "-3.14").get!) = "-3.1400" := by decide
theorem test8 : toString ((parse "-11.0003").get!) = "-11.0003" := by decide
theorem test1 : toString ((parse "3.14").get!) = "3.1400" := by native_decide
theorem test2 : toString ((parse "11.0003").get!) = "11.0003" := by native_decide
theorem test3 : toString ((parse "11.003").get!) = "11.0030" := by native_decide
theorem test4 : toString ((parse "11.3000").get!) = "11.3000" := by native_decide
theorem test5 : toString ((parse "123.0").get!) = "123.0000" := by native_decide
theorem test6 : toString ((parse "-123.0").get!) = "-123.0000" := by native_decide
theorem test7 : toString ((parse "-3.14").get!) = "-3.1400" := by native_decide
theorem test8 : toString ((parse "-11.0003").get!) = "-11.0003" := by native_decide

private def testValid (str : String) (rep : Int) : TestCase IO :=
test str ⟨λ _ => checkEq (parse str) (decimal? rep)⟩
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions cedar-lean/UnitTest/IPAddr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ namespace UnitTest.IPAddr

open Cedar.Spec.Ext.IPAddr

theorem test1 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by decide
theorem test2 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by decide
theorem test3 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by decide
theorem test4 : toString ((parse "1:2:3:4:a:b:c:d/128").get!) = "0001:0002:0003:0004:000a:000b:000c:000d/128" := by decide
theorem test5 : toString ((parse "1:22:333:4444:a:bb:ccc:dddd/128").get!) = "0001:0022:0333:4444:000a:00bb:0ccc:dddd/128" := by decide
theorem test6 : toString ((parse "7:70:700:7000::a00/128").get!) = "0007:0070:0700:7000:0000:0000:0000:0a00/128" := by decide
theorem test7 : toString ((parse "::ffff/128").get!) = "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff/128" := by decide
theorem test8 : toString ((parse "ffff::/4").get!) = "ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/4" := by decide
theorem test1 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by native_decide
theorem test2 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by native_decide
theorem test3 : toString ((parse "").get!) = "" := by native_decide
theorem test4 : toString ((parse "1:2:3:4:a:b:c:d/128").get!) = "0001:0002:0003:0004:000a:000b:000c:000d/128" := by native_decide
theorem test5 : toString ((parse "1:22:333:4444:a:bb:ccc:dddd/128").get!) = "0001:0022:0333:4444:000a:00bb:0ccc:dddd/128" := by native_decide
theorem test6 : toString ((parse "7:70:700:7000::a00/128").get!) = "0007:0070:0700:7000:0000:0000:0000:0a00/128" := by native_decide
theorem test7 : toString ((parse "::ffff/128").get!) = "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff/128" := by native_decide
theorem test8 : toString ((parse "ffff::/4").get!) = "ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/4" := by native_decide

private def ipv4 (a₀ a₁ a₂ a₃ : BitVec 8) (pre : Nat) : IPNet :=
IPNet.V4 ⟨ a₀ a₁ a₂ a₃, pre⟩
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cedar-lean/lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
{"version": 7,
{"version": "1.0.0",
"packagesDir": ".lake/packages",
[{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "51e6e0d24db9341fb031288c298b7e6b56102253",
"rev": "54bb04c3119f24fde14b9068c4b2e69db52a1450",
"name": "batteries",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "v4.8.0",
"inputRev": "v4.9.0",
"inherited": false,
"configFile": "lakefile.lean"}],
"name": "Cedar",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cedar-lean/lakefile.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ meta if get_config? env = some "dev" then -- dev is so not everyone has to build
require «doc-gen4» from git "" @ "c7f4ac84b973b6efd8f24ba2b006cad1b32c9c53"

require batteries from git
"" @ "v4.8.0"
"" @ "v4.9.0"

package Cedar

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cedar-lean/lean-toolchain
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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