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4 XROOTD Configuration
apeters1971 edited this page Mar 31, 2015
1 revision
XROOTD_DIAMOND_OPTIONS="-z -l /var/log/xrootd/xrootd.log -c /etc/xrootd/xrootd-diamond.cfg -k fifo"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ceph-80.1/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Copy the template file /etc/xrootd/xrootd-standalone.cfg to /etc/xrootd/xrootd-diamond.cfg
Modify as shown in the following!
Remark: you can just use the proposed config file at the end of the page if you keep the proposed RADOS id and pool names !!!
# standard configuration parameters
all.export /
all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd
ofs.authorize 1
ofs.authlib /usr/lib64/libAuthChangeFsUid.so
xrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so
xrootd.async off nosf
Enable detailed tracing:
# for production comment out the trace options (too much logging)
ofs.trace all debug
xrd.sched mint 512 maxt 512 idle 64
Configure the security moduls
# modify the security according to your needs
# UNIX authentication
sec.protocol unix
# KRB authentication
sec.protocol krb5 host/<host>@CERN.CH
# GSI authentication
sec.protocol gsi -crl:0 -cert:/etc/xrootd/pub.pem -key:/etc/xrootd/priv.pem -gridmap:/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile -d:0 -gmapopt:2 -vomsat:1 -moninfo:1
# for admin operations bind unix to localhost
sec.protbind localhost.localdomain unix
sec.protbind localhost unix
# for 'normal users' bind krb5+gsi protocols
sec.protbind * only krb5 gsi
sec.protbind localhost only unix
Configure the interface to RADOS
# configure the rados connection
ofs.osslib /usr/lib64/libRadosOss.so
radososs.config /etc/ceph/ceph-diamond.conf
# this limits additionally the maximum file size to 1000 MB !!!
radososs.datapools /:diamond-data:1000
radososs.metadatapools /:diamond-metadata
# set the CEPH account to use
radososs.user diamond
# set the default stripe size
radososs.stripe 134217728
Configure HTTP(S) access:
# configure HTTP(S) access (if wanted, otherwise comment with '#')
if exec xrootd
xrd.protocol XrdHttp /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so.1
http.cert /etc/xrootd/pub.pem
http.key /etc/xrootd/priv.pem
http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates
Configing Diamond functionality (checksumming & third party copy):
# configure DIAMOND features (checksumming + third party copy)
xrootd.chksum adler32
ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp
xrootd.fslib -2 /usr/lib64/libdiamond_ofs.so
# standard configuration parameters
all.export /
all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd
ofs.authorize 1
ofs.authlib /usr/lib64/libAuthChangeFsUid.so
xrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so
xrootd.async off nosf
# for production comment out the trace options (too much logging)
ofs.trace all debug
xrd.sched mint 512 maxt 512 idle 64
# modify the security according to your needs
# UNIX authentication
sec.protocol unix
# KRB authentication
sec.protocol krb5 host/<host>@CERN.CH
# GSI authentication
sec.protocol gsi -crl:0 -cert:/etc/xrootd/pub.pem -key:/etc/xrootd/priv.pem -gridmap:/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile -d:0 -gmapopt:2 -vomsat:1 -moninfo:1
# for admin operations bind unix to localhost
sec.protbind localhost.localdomain unix
sec.protbind localhost unix
# for 'normal users' bind krb5+gsi protocols
sec.protbind * only krb5 gsi
sec.protbind localhost only unix
ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp
# configure the rados connection
ofs.osslib /usr/lib64/libRadosOss.so
radososs.config /etc/ceph/ceph-diamond.conf
# this limits additionally the maximum file size to 1000 MB !!!
radososs.datapools /:diamond-data:1000
radososs.metadatapools /:diamond-metadata
# set the CEPH account to use
radososs.user diamond
# set the default stripe size
radososs.stripe 134217728
# configure HTTP(S) access (if wanted, otherwise comment with '#')
if exec xrootd
xrd.protocol XrdHttp /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so.1
http.cert /etc/xrootd/pub.pem
http.key /etc/xrootd/priv.pem
http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates
# configure DIAMOND features (checksumming + third party copy)
ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp
xrootd.chksum adler32
xrootd.fslib -2 /usr/lib64/libdiamond_ofs.so