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mediawarp - Warp Media to your mobile devices easily

mediawarp is a tool that warps your favorite MP3's to your Media player. It is specially designed as a 1-click fill-your-player solution. It can add new songs by rules or randomly, helping you to rediscover music you may have forgotten. It keeps track of your media players content, and can exchange the media on it.


Important note: mediawarp is in development, and Alpha status is planned for March 2015. You can already use it to easily create favorite playlists, but you need a separate application like Clementine to sync the files to your media player.

Media player support

  • iPod (primary, implementation started)
  • MTP (secondary)
  • generic USB drive (needs volunteer)

Rule based filling of your media player

mediawarp interacts with your favorite music collection, and the plan is to let it interact with as many Collections a possible, like:

  • Clementine (currently the development focus)
  • Amarok (needs volunteer)
  • Synology Media Station (definitely planned)
  • iTunes media server (may need volunteer)

You can use the following criteria:

  • Sorting (done)
  • Filters (done)
  • Max Limit (done)


Described at section "Running"

Filters (tbd)

  • "Last 3 albums" (open)
  • "100 random songs" (done)
  • "50 songs not yet heard" (done)
  • "My 30 favorite tunes" (done

You can combine as many rules as possibe. Also, all rules allow randomness, so for example the "30 favorite tunes" can vary if you want. For example, you could define randomness to be 75%. In that case, 3 out of 4 of your most favorite songs will be skipped, but the selection will still contain 30 songs.


Build requires CMake. Most important dependency is a C++11 capable compiler and a Qt5 development environment.

mkdir mediawarp.obj
cd mediawarp.obj
cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../mediawarp
make install

Run with


# In general:
mediawarp <count> <sort-rules>

# Example: Your 50 most liked songs, randomizing equal liked songs
mediawarp 50 titles +LIKING,RANDOM

# Example: Your 50 most unliked songs
mediawarp 50 titles -LIKING

# Example: 1 random audiobook
mediawarp 1 album random audiobook

# Example: 100 completely random songs (titles), excluding audiobooks 
mediawarp 100 titles random -audiobook

Supported sort rules fore all media collections are:

  • NAME - Complete name of the file, including path elements if the media collection support it
  • LIKING - Liking, as given by the media collection (may be based on a rating, listen count, or anything else)
  • RANDOM - Completely random order
  • INDEX - Always a fixed order, as given by the media collection


Apache License 2.0

Copyright 2015-present Christian Esken


Warp your MP3s and other Media to your mobile devices







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